Chapter 1

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Lance's POV~

It's been months since I've joined Voltron, but the more battles I've been in...the more useless I've noticed I am...why not just die? The team would be realeved that I would be gone, that would help them out more... I start to tear up, feeling my stomach pain, feeling cold and deserted. I curl up in a ball and hold my knees as I feel a tear go down my face. Nothing works, I begin to ponder of a plan, coming up with tormarow night, I'll take my pocket knife and I'll go that room I found a while back, I saw a few things that may help me out. He eventually cried himself to sleep.

~the next morning~

Keith's POV~
Lance has been acting weird lately, I wonder what's wrong with him. I start walking to his Room, when He just walks up to me out of no where," hey mullet..." Lance said passing me by with the fakest smile in history. I flinch about to flip him around, but I stop," hey Lance " I step back as I see him go into his Room, I ponder for a tick or two," what's on that guys mind " I think to my self." He hasn't gone out of his Room unless he wants water or food... he doesn't talk as much as he used to and he always seems like something is on his mind...., what does all of those things mean?" I start walking back to my room. The automatic doors slide open and close, I flop onto my bed putting one hand over my four head. " there has to be some explanation to this " I say out loud, I get up and go to the bathroom mirror, I see a tear form in my left eye, soon the right did the same. I wiped away my tears and and shook my head, I walk back out, i didn't even notice that night had fallen, I walk out to get some food goo stuff when I hear the foot steps from some one, where is that coming from? I follow the sound waves and see a shadow of a familiar sight, Lance? I hide behind more pillars the farther we go down. I then see lance go into a room...

Chapter one: End...

Hey guys
First chapter has ended, next chapter shall be out soon!

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