chapter 24

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Lance's POV~

'Everything spins. Everything swirls. All realities end up with me dead. Gone. Keith helps me with calming down. I can't do anything. Help him. The Voltron must help him. Not me. Leave me to lay in pieces. Emptiness is the mother of all things. There is no god. There are no saviors for me. Torture and pain is how I will continue on with life.' " Lance, my pretty, come over here please!" I heard. I used the wall to go a few rooms over," y-yes...?" I asked. " Sing me a song, I would love to hear your beautiful voice in a melody... " he said smugly. " Okay... master." I said. I sat on the floor and tried to sing, but nothing came." I don't have all night!" He exclaimed, I got scared.

I-I'm losing my sanity,
Sta-staring up into space.
Looking up at the stars and thinking,
" when will I take there place?"
I scream into my pi-pillow saying:
" Dear god take me away!"
B-but my requests are denied every day..."

I stopped looking up at him. You would of thought he had seen the face of god. " That... wasn't what I was looking for, but thank you? " he said. I just nod lightly, crawling back to my room. Keith was asleep in bed. That's good.' I feel empty. I am empty. 'So I crawl in bed with him and we immediately cuddle up next to each other for warmth. I love him. He loves  me. I close my eyes and sleep. On our hard bed.

I open my eyes to see me and Keith. We're on another ship. Not a galra ship. " Keith?" I asked." Lance?" He said back. " Hey guys!" Said a small girl with round glasses. And her eyes where hazel. She had light brown hair. She looks young. She has a light colored skin tone. Peach. I pull Keith close. This is scary. I want home. I don't want to be here. They'll hurt me. Like lotor! I can't do that! I held Keith close and screamed into his shoulder. He did the same." What's wrong love birbs?( yes birbs )" asked a big slightly darker then me guy asks. He has an orange head band. Brown eyes blackish hair. He looked Concerned." YOU'RE GOING TO HURT US. L-LIKE LOTOR! PLEASE NO. SPARE KEITH PLEASE! NO! NO! No! No no no no no..... " I screamed. " Not Keith... not keith... not keith... hurt me... not Keith... " I whispered. The bigger guy tried to get close to us. But Keith picked me up. And took me away. " W-WAIT, YOU GUYS!" he yelled. I kept sobbing into Keith shoulder. He whispered sweet nothings into my ear." Kill me...Tie me up...Let me be slain...Traumatize me... Before you touch him. Please...." I cried.We heard voices calling. Loud. Muffled. They're there. Then. It stops. We're falling again. And blackness is all to be seen.

" LANCE, KEITH, DARLINGS!" we heard. Me and Keith shot up scared. " Thank goodness, you two were screaming and whimper all night! " said lotor. Me and Keith look at each other, and smile...

Chapter twenty four: End...

Sorry for a short chapter, next chapter there's gonna be a mini battle so I didnt want to do spoil to much here,
My apologies!

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