chapter 18

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Pretty pretty princesses( Allura's ) POV~

I walk down below the surface, well this is More of a hidden place then below, but it's still here. I've been noticing that Lance has been more distant lately, he hasn't been flirty or as much of a jokester,  he's been quiet. The farther I go I feel as if someone was down here recently, I can feel it but I absolutely don't believe it. I look to the side to see my father old lab " Who is there and what are you doing here!?" I shout, but i got nothing back. I stepped into the room to find two vials on the ground," what... is this? " I said picking them up. " LANCE...!" I immediately said. I began running out of the room and up to ground level, well sort of. I clenched them in my hand, tight but not so tight where they can break." That son of a- " she thought as she ran back up the stairs. " He's been wasting time and being a complete idiot, I bet he doesn't even know what it means to be a paladin! " I murmured. I got up to my room and studied these weird things," Of Course he wants to use some of the strongest poisons in the universe! " I growl  then all of a sudden I hear someone say," WHAT THE FAK( yes fak ) IS THIS!? " faintly. I got up and stomped out of my room, it sounded like it was coming from Lance's room, oh brother...

I get to the blue paladin's hallway and here sniffles the farther I go. " Hello? " I say quietly only to find Pidge holding a piece of paper in her hand crying as she read it over and over again. " Whats the matter Pidge? " I ask crouching down next to her, she then hands me the paper and says," Its Lance,  He- he " She stuttered. I got furious but as soon as I read the first paragraph I felt guilt from my head to my toes, but then again, if he didn't write this, Pidge and I wouldn't feel this way. To tell the truth I am pissed off, but Ii also feel that this is my fault for some reason and its making me sad." Why IS he bringing the whole team down with him! " I said angry, Then Pidge walked out the room.  I don't understand, did I do something wrong? I got up and asked her what was wrong but she immediately just starts running away.


Look I'm sorry for the short chapter but Y'all S6 came back and I'm about to kick some dreamwork ass. I'm sorry for my language but Freaking what the H E double hockey sticks am I supposed to do. anyway again, I'm sorry for the short chapter and not updating in a while!   

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