Chapter 28

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Lance's POV~

I was dreaming about a bunch of people, they looked familiar, but didn't. We were at a earth park, it looked like so much fun! Me and Keith sat on what I remember is a swing? We were slowly rocking back and fourth, hand in hand, as the sun set." Hey, did you know that I love you more then anything else in this universe...?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded," I do oh so well. " he giggled. We kissed but then it stopped.

I was greeted by a pair of warm and comforting arms." Hey Lance... " I heard a familiar voice, its keith!" Keith! You're safe! Were are we?" I asked as my eyes fluttered open. " We're on pidge's and her friends' ship. " he said kissing the top of my head. " I'm tired... " I mumbled yawning. " Here, just lay on me for a little bit. " Keith laid down. I laid on his chest and heard his heartbeat, its comforting. After like five minutes I heard a door open," Lance, my boy!" Said a man with a goofy accent. I opened my eyes to see a bunch of familiar looking people, I'm still scared though." Keith... " I said as we both sat up, I clung on to him." Don't worry, they're allies. " he smiled. " Okay. " I said, I trust him with my life. " so I have a feeling you know me?" I asked. They nodded." The big one's name is Hunk, The woman is Princess Allura, the man is Coran, and you know Pidge from your...battle. " Keith said." Hello" I waved." How long was I in that thingy over there?" I asked." About three weeks, it's understandable though due to your battle with Lotor. " Pidge said with a concerning voice. " I'm sorry " I nuzzled my face in the crook in Keith's neck." You scared me Lance, please never do that again... " Keith brushed my hair." I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.... " I began to cry. Sob even. The other people sat there with us and it eventually turned into a cuddle party.

" Hey Lance," Hunk started." Yes sir?" I asked." You can just call me Hunk. But why did you two sound so dead when we called you a while back?" He asked." W-well I-" I started to get nervous and scared." We were forced to have intercourse, or raped. " Keith said grabbing my hand." Oh. " Hunk said with a blank face. " I'm sure you guys are hungry, you both haven't eaten today. " Princess Allura said. My stomach grumbled and I blushed, hiding my face In Keith's chest," Mhmm..." I hummed. Keith chuckled," Yeah, we're pretty hungry. " Keith answered. " Hehe, okay, lets go to the main dinning hall, we can get some food there! " Princess Allura stated. We all stood up and began walking, my stomach continued to grumble and I continued to blush in embarrassment.

We all got to the dinning hall and me and Keith were told to sit down by Hunk. " What would you guys like to eat? " He asked." Anything you have to offer will do. " I spoke softly. " It's so strange to see you like this, You're so skinny now. " Hunk said." We didn't get feed as often as a human should, we would often have to sleep away our hunger. " Keith spoke." That's terrible... " Pidge said sadly looking at the ground. " Here's your food, I know your starving so I just whipped something up. " Hunk placed two plates of green goo in front of us. We immediately grabbed our spoons and dug in." If you don't mind us asking, can you tell us what Lotor and the Galra empire did to you two? " Princess Allura asked. " Sure, Lance do you want to stand outside? " Keith asked me. I sat there for a minute. " I'll sit here until I feel it is too much for me to handle. " I said quietly. " Okay... " Keith said sorrowfully.

" So when the ass was still here a year ago, we were pushed into that void thing. Lotor had found us days later and took up back to his ship, which he seemed dear and kind in the beginning. His persona changed after the first week when he pulled up into a cell and tutored us. " Keith started tears already flowing down his soft pale cheeks. I grab his hand under the table and he smiled lightly." After a while of this torture, I was sent to fight the gladiator... Lance was used for Lotor's pleaser. " Keith spat the last part. I began to shake at the memory of that. " Weeks later it was vice versa. Eventually this was the new normal. We were stuck in this cycle for a very long time, every once in awhile it would be the three of us would have forced intercourse. Other times it would be me and Lance in the arena. " Keith sobbed. I began to cry, choking on my sobs. " Why did you ask Lance if he wanted to leave, what happened to him that so terrible to mention? " Princess Allura questioned. Me and Keith stared at each other," We can mention that topic on another day, it may be too traumatizing as if right now. " Keith said." Understandable. " Pidge agreed. Keith and I continued to eat, but in an awkward silence.

chapter twenty eight: End...


Alright, Ima just thank @MabelMaclian for the support!

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