Chapter 1

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The winter breeze slowly calm my nerves, my right hand shaking of blood loss. My breathing soon becomes heavy. " See you next week?" The sound of his voice send a cruel shiver down my throat. It's been three months since his disappearance. He was last seen in his house, then he was never heard of again. Soon reality sink in, he's gone. Just the thought of him dead brings a hallow hole in my being. Not even the winter breeze can make me forget. The pain of losing a best friend. The pain of losing a brother. The pain of the aftermath.

How can anyone get over his disappearance? How can anyone moved on so easily? Frankly, I feel like a lifeless doll. Just waiting for someone to pull my strings to force me to say something, but soon finds out that I'm broken. The people, they expect me to move on. Rumors spreading like wildfire, saying that he killed someone and ran away like a coward. Some say that he committed the unforgivable sin: suicide. If anything, he wasn't suicidal. But in the end, it doesn't matter. He's missing, and very well dead. I guess somewhere inside of me, I hope he is well. If not, let his death not be in vain.

Let it be quick. Perhaps I should stop doing this, thinking I mean. I get too deep inside my mind, to the point where I'm in la-la land. ' Get too deep in the head, a deep gush will you get.' An old saying for children to watch out for their surroundings. The only thing that's keeping me in the worthless reality is the sound of the wind. Silence. Completely quiet. No animals to be heard or seen. Not that I cared, but if anything I'm pleased. Nothing can get in my way, nothing can keep me away from the beast. Suddenly, the winter breeze stop.

Slowly, I looked up. I was met with a drop of blood. Fear slowly ran through my body, a hint of excitement pounding against my ribs. But the excitement soon drop dead, for the beast is close by. With one sweep, I was ten inches away from the tree. Soon I was met with a dark aura, blood streaming down the tree like a waterfall. The branches twisted their arms around the body, claws started to form. The sound of the branch twisting around made me cringe, the twisting made a horrifying sound. I can feel my bones aching in pain, my skin twisting around just like the tree. But it disappears the second it heard footsteps.

I quickly sat up straight, pinching my arms to see if it was all real. It was. Soon the footsteps got closer. It sound pretty light. Must be a girl, or a very skinny guy. Either way, their not supposed to be here. The winter breeze have sudden stop, making me pinch my arms again. I slowly turn around, just to meet the eyes of olive.

" what do you want?" My voice horsed from not talking for a year. It didn't impact the girl much, because she just stared. Soon she clear her throat and fixing her eyes on the ground, she said " Just hunting. Nothing special. Didn't you heard the forest is dangerous?" She asked. Ironic  really, for she is in the forbidden forest telling me it's dangerous, when she's out here hunting. For what? Is she going to kill someone?

" That's really ironic. Your here telling me it's dangerous, but your out here hunting." The girl quickly gave out an annoyed groan. Her olive eyes soon turn into stone. My body froze at the very minute. Like a deer staring at the headlights. "I don't care if it's ironic or not. What matters is that your hand is bleeding, and your staring at the middle of nowhere. Shouldn't you be seeing a doctor or something? Because all I can hear from your mouth is muttering nonsense." She said ever so angrily. I open my mouth, but no words came out. I need to see a doctor? What's her problem? "Why do you care if my hand is bleeding? For all you care, I'm just a teenage guy trying to stay away from people. So do me a favor and leave.

I can't stand seeing your ugly face any longer."With that, I turn around and stared the middle of nowhere. I heard the girl huff out in annoyance, marching her way up deeper into the forest. "Hey! Where are you going?! That's a forbidden place!" I quickly yelled out. The girl quickly turn around, her lips turn into a ridiculous smirk. "I thought you wanted me to leave?" She asked. With that, she turn around and walk even further. Soon the voice of my friend evaded my head. He wasn't warned about the forest. Shaking with hatred, I quietly said "Please don't go there. People died in there. My best friend was one of them..."I hoped she didn't hear me.

But she did. The girl stopped and turn around. Her face was unreadable, but I knew she was surprised. Her face showed conflict, but she just nodded her head and turn the other way. "If it really means that much to you, I guess I'll just hunt somewhere else."Her face gave out a small smile, but deep inside me, I knew it was a sinister one. "Are you new?" I asked. I never seen her around town. "Yes. I just moved here two days ago."

Her face gave out a sad expression, but quickly changed it to a happy one. "What's your name?" She looks familiar, perhaps she has siblings? "Zila." Zila? What kind of name is that. "I'm Silas." Zila just smile at me and walk away. And for the first time since then, I just realized that Zila was carrying a bloody bow.

Third POV:
Zila soon walks away from Silas. Her head was filled with pity. The boy just gave away his life story to a total stranger. Perhaps their not as smart as they thought they were. As minutes pass by, Zila found her own hunting ground. A small bunny hopping around Zila. Quickly she grabbed her arrows and set on her bow. With a quick calculation, she shot the bunny. "So innocent, yet killed for enjoyment," Zila muttered. Slowly she grabs the dead animal and walks her way to the murder place of the boy. Perhaps she too is looking for the beast.

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