Chapter 2

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Cecilia POV:

An error appeared once again on a bright blue screen.  The sound of my hands rapidly typing, heighten my stress even more. ERROR: TRY AGAIN LATER. My patient is wearing thin. "Can't get in?" The sound of the bedroom door slamming shut caught me by surprise, even I let out a small yelp. I quickly look behind me and sigh in relief. "You scared me Silas. I thought my mother was with you." My heartbeat is slowly calming down, but just the thought of my mother walking in on me just gives me the goosebumps . "Maybe you should lock your door next time," Silas said confidently. Even with the death of my brother, Silas is still acting like a typical, idiotic teen. "Maybe help me with this damn computer then I don't have to worry about my mother." If he thinks that he is near amusing, he is dead wrong.

My breathing becoming heavy, like the whole world is watching me fail. Silas soon gave me a sympathetic look, as if it will bring him back from the dead. I narrow my eyes at him, slowly turning back to my computer. "Please tell me there was something..." Silas faced the ground, he got nothing. "No. There was nothing." Silas said quietly. My anger soon rises to the limit. My face feeling warm, he found nothing? "I couldn't find the body. But I did see something.... Sinister." I quickly faced Silas. So he did see something. "What did you see?" Silas face lost it's color. His dark skin turn into a plain white. He opens his mouth, but close it right away. His face shows internal conflict, was it bad? " You can tell me late-" " Do you know a girl name Zila?" He caught me by surprise, I didn't expect him to speak or interrupt me. But it didn't matter, because it seems like Silas is losing his god damn mind. " No, I don't know any Zila.

Why? Is she your internet girlfriend?" I mused, but was only given a nasty look from Silas. His face was bright red, but not out of embarrassment, but from rage. Silas is the kind of person to lash out, and I don't mean figuratively.
"Stop being an idiotic teenage girl and answer the shitting question," Silas spoke ever so quietly. My lips turn upwards, an itching desire taking over my mind, the desire of stabbing Silas. An awkward silence soon got caught up on our unstable web. In both of our worlds, I bet you a million dollars that Silas is thinking of stabbing me. I mean, everyone wants to kill me, so why not Silas finish the job?

"For once in your life, stop being a lazy, two-timing snob and take me seriously." It was Silas who broke the awkward silence. My throat went dry, my eyes was getting watery. "If it weren't for you, maybe Azrail would still be here breathin-" " Don't ever speak of his name!!" I screamed. "But it's true!" Silas screamed back, " And you know it. You know it's your fault that Azrail is missing. It's your fault that he is out there rotting away. It's your damn fault that Azrail ran away." The awkward silence soon turn tense. My heart harshly pounding against my chest, my hands quickly scratching the skin off my face.

The feeling of warm blood making its way to my neck, the smell of sweetness took over. I can feel my body shaking, my vision is now in black and white. All I can hear the quiet beeps from the computer, and the shallow breathing from Silas. My nails is now clawing my cheeks, digging in deeper and deeper. Even more of the red liquid is flowing down to my white shirt. Each cuts that I made, I can feel my veins being punished. The red liquid mixed with tears. 'It's always my fault. I'm always the one to take the blame. I'm the reason for my brother's misery.' The mind is the only thing that is stronger than guilt, because they make you believe in your own lies to the point you can't tell what's real or not. "Now look at you, pathetic like always. Ever since I met you, I always thought you were a weakling. I was hoping that you would've proved me wrong, but I guess in the end I was a little disappointed. Just look at you,  tearing your own skin off just because you can't handle the truth."

The sound of Silas emotionless voice echoes through my head, 'You can't handle the truth.'My vision soon turn all black. My body is moving without a reason, my hands shaking ever so violently. The sound of metal caught my attention, it sounded like a pocket knife. Or maybe it was just my imagination. An inhuman screeched escape from my mouth, blood is all I can taste. Without a warning, a punch was handed to my cheek and fell in an instant. My vision finally came back to me, but a loud ringing was consuming my ears. All I can feel is the hard wooden floor, cold and uneasy. The room shaking every once in a while, my arms shaking from blood loss. I open my mouth, but no words came out, only a small wail.

The ringing have stop, but yet my ears shut out the world. I slowly move my arms, pushing myself off the floor. But only to be pushed down by Silas. I quickly put my arms around my face to soften the fall. My heartbeat is beyond average, for it is beeping incredibly fast like the red superhero. Only did I realize that I was covered in my own blood. The sticky substance on my worn out skin. My white shirt is now painted in red. "Always the same thing. You attack for no reason." I attack? "No wonder Azrail doesn't trust you. He was right about you." Silas sneered. Trust? My own brother didn't trust me? "Wha-What do you mean by trust?" I ask, my throat felt like it was on fire. "Your brother didn't trust you. He always thought that you were going to kill him." Brutally speaking, Silas squat down to my height. A sinister smile stitched on his skinny face.

"Azrail pretended. He faked everything. He never loved you. If anything, he asked me to kill you. But everything changed when Lexa's family got murdered. Don't you understand? You were just bait that we needed in our plan. Azrail was going to use you as bait. He was going to use you against Desdemona." My own flesh and blood... Azrail never  loved me. He never cared for me. He was going to use me. He was going to kill me. "But in the end, it was Azrail who got killed, not you. So if I was you, I would stop acting like a victim and tell myself that sometimes life isn't fair. Azrail is rotting away, so that means you are alone. No protection. You will be the next target in school." With that, Silas got up and left the room.

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