Chapter 3

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Zila POV

Welcome to Bridged Academy! Where all our prodigies make a difference in our corrupted world!

Missing Person:
Azrail Tristan
Age: 18
Race: Unknown
Eyes color: Violet
Last seen: By the FORBIDDEN FOREST

Posters flying around the school ground, some can be read while the others were faded. It seems like it's been three months since the disappearance of the young boy. Perhaps the missing boy is the one Silas was talking about. "Please don't go there. People died in there. My best friend was one of them..." my heart leaped in joy when I heard Silas's emotional voice. Never would I thought that a boy like Silas would be an emotional, naive, and self centered guy. The way his dark skin turned all white when the trees twisted around and started to bleed. They way he pinched himself to the point where he bleeds. I would never in a million years think that he has a soul.

For having a soul means you have a purpose. A meaning of life. A soul means you are not a coward. If anything, you are consider a "bad guy." With all of these thoughts going throughout my head, I almost forgot that I still have to find my classes. So like every new girls in every movies there is, I hopelessly asked for help. But every person I go to, they all said the same thing. "Sorry, I have a meeting to go to." Jesus, we're kids. Not soul eating adults. No wonder the school have a small population, because we lose our freedom to the point where we go insane. They don't want any depressing, untalented and worthless kids. They want prodigies. Then again, here I am still lost in this hell hole called school.

Period 1: Health
Period 2: Video production
Period 3: AP Math
Period 4: AP English
Period 5: AP History
Period 6: Cafeteria worker
Period 7: Photography
Period 8: Office Assistant

The walls around me are full of missing posters. The brown paint covered by dead trees. All the posters look as if they were tainted, I mean the posters are cover in a sad excuse of what you call a drawing. But one caught my attention. There was a poster that was torn to the point the face is unrecognizable. I walk towards the torn up poster, my heart pounding with excitement. I wonder why a sane person would tear up a missing poster? Perhaps it is too painful for them to look at it? Either way, I want to know how the missing person looked. Even as I'm getting closer, the poster is still unreadable. I look around, wondering if anyone is staring at me. All I can see are kids chatting away. People rushing their way to the entrance doors with their arms full of paperwork. No eyes are on me, at least for right now. I quickly face back to the poster, even when I'm close to it, I still can't read the name or the description.

There was a thick piece of white paper taped over the face. It looks quite old, maybe I can rip it off without tearing the paper even more? So, ever so slowly, I grab the edge of the tape and gently tear it off. The feeling of the tape coming off so smoothly felt really refreshing. Once the tape was off, the white papers fell down. A sudden shiver went down my spine. My hands shaking from the loss of heat. The missing person wa- "Zila?" I quickly torn down the missing poster, crumbling in my hands. "Zila? It's me, Silas." Uncertainty was all I can hear. I breathe deeply, calming my pounding heart. Soon a fake smile spread on my face, I cheerfully said hello to Silas. "Seems like we're going to see each other more often, huh?" I ask, Silas only nodded to the question. He look behind him, then look to the right. His face shows concern. "Since your new and all, I don't think you seen a girl with blonde pigtails?" Silas solemnly ask, his expression turn from worrying to anger. His right hand was in a fist, while his left was deep inside his jean's pockets. "I apologize. I have not seen a girl with pigtails.

May I ask, is she a friend of yours?" Silas gave me a cold glare, his lips turn downwards. For some reason, I feel threatened. I feel that Silas wants me dead. If not, then there's nothing to worry about. "Not really. I wouldn't call our relationship a friendship. If anything, she is just a lost puppy." Silas said coldly, his blue eyes shows no remorse. The air around us turn tense. I waited for Silas to speak more before I go, I went to a trash bin that was nearby. Just when I was about to throw the missing poster away, Silas yanked my right arm. The sudden movement made me fall into Silas's chest. I quickly move away, but Silas had a strong grip on my right arm. "Why are you throwing the missing poster away?" He ask quietly. I only gave out a plastic smile and said "The poster was torn apart. I couldn't read the thing, so I thought I should throw it away. Besides, I'm sure they have more at the Police station." I was only given a nasty look from Silas. "I hope it's not for Azrail. If it is, I will kindly ask you to give it to me."I gave him a puzzled look. "It is not Azrail.

The poster looks really old and run down, so I'm sure it's not Azrail's poster." The grip from Silas only tightens even more. Slowly, I can feel pain. "So you won't mind that I check to see if you are telling the truth?" Silas ask, his lips turn into a smirk. I tried not to show any emotion on my face, I don't need him to learn the truth. "I do mind. I will ask you to let go of my arm. You're giving me a bruise." Even when I let out a pain expression, Silas only held on tighter. "I just want to see the poster. It's not like it's your dairy or something." My heart is pounding really fast, for the first time I feel useless. "It's just an old poster." "Then let me see it." He doesn't know when to give up, does he? "I thought you were looking for your friend?

I'm sure she is more important than this old thing." Desperation was getting to me. "Like I said before, we are not frie-" Silas didn't even get to finish his sentences before he was attack by a tall girl. His grip weaken, so I quickly pulled it off and went straight to the trash, debating if I show keep the poster or not. "You idiot!" The tall girl screamed out, "I was looking for you. You think that you could walk away after what you done to me yesterday?!" Her voice crack at the last five words, tears already forming in her purple eyes. I look at Silas, wondering if this was the girl he was looking for. I think she is because his eyes show hatred.

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