◑ Six ◑

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I think i might stop doing POV's and just write the rest of the story in third person, because it can get boring being mostly in Carters POV. So im gonna try it on this Chap and yall tell me if its better or not. Kay? Kay :)

As Carter walked into the trap. He seen the usual. Naked women baging product. Young Corner Boys counting money, and nothing seemed to be out of order. He made his way to the BYD room, where he smirked in satisfaction as he walked in seeing Zane tied up to a chair barely concious as B gave him Blow, after Blow, after Blow. "Good Looking Boys. Yall money is out front. Yall get home to yall families man. Call this a lil vacation. Me and B got it from here" Carter said as he pated him and B's best three workers Rob, Gee, and Maniac. They found Zane layed low out in Jamacia, So Carter decided to give them a lil extra Money and give them atleast a Month off of this shit to focus on  their families.  They nodded and left the room as Carter walked over to Zane. He pulled up a chair and sat in front of him looking him dead in the eyes. "So you really thought you could hide from us?" Carter let out a deep sinister chuckle shaking his head. " You did though. I'll give you that. It took us a while to find yo Bitch ass, but obviously not that long" he continued. Zane looked up at Carter barely able to keep his head up. "Fuck you. You bitch made ass nigga" Zane chuckled lightly as he spit blood out of his mouth. "Yall wont get away with this shit" he laughed shaking his head. "Just like you aint get away with what you did?" Carter chuckled before getting up and grabbing his 9 mm. He cocked it back aiming at Zane's dick before fireing. Zane howled in pain, sucking in breaths of air to try and contain his self. "Just kill him already Cart Damn" B said looking over at a unconcious Zane. Carter nodded before letting one off in his chest before he let another rip through his skull. "Nino clean this shit up man" B said walking out of the room.

Carter followed shortly behind Camern as they made their way outside to their individual cars. "Aye man you coming through?" Camern asked opening his car door. Carter nodded opening his as well "Yeah man, i'll be over there. Imma go grab some food or sum" he replied as he got in the car and they both sped off.

Meanwhile at Camern's house...

Godance laid down on the couch fliping through chanels until she came upon one she wanted to watch. Just as she was about to get up her phone rang and she picked it up without looking at the Caller I.D. "Hello?" her sweet voice filled the speaker. "Godance" a voice too familiar rang throughout her ears as she suddenly froze. "Baby, I know you miss me. I miss you" the voice beemed through her ears making her shiver. "You sick basterd..." she harshly said as tears brimed her eye lids. Camern walked in just in time to hear what she had said. He scrunched his face up and walked over to his sister grabbing her phone. "Aye, Who Dis?" he asked. His thick Louisiana accent coming out. He hated seeing his sister cry. It angered him to know someone hurt his sister Mentally, Phisically, or Emotionally. "Ah, Camern. Long Time No Talk Bro" the voice laughed. This angered Camern because he hated when people played with him. "Man who da fuck is dis?" he angerily gritted as the person on the other end laughed sinisterly. "Mesiah, Bitch ass nigga." Camern's eyes widend as his anger was beggining to get out of hand. He knew all about Mesiah and what he used to do to his little sister. "Aye listen dont be calling My Sis Phone no moe Gee, or ill Find yo-" By then the phone went silent as Mesiah had hung up. "Damn" Camern turned to his sister seeing her balled up on the couch crying. He pulled her into a deep loving hug as he let her cry into his chest. "Its gone be a'ight Sis. Dont worry about nothin' I got you. I' m not gone let nothin' happen to you. You hear me'? " he asked making her look up at him. She nodded as tears freely falled from her face. Camern sighed as he began to rock them back and fourth on the couch.

Carter hoped in his car making his way over to B's with some Parmesian Wings, Garlic Wings, and Hot Wings along w/ Two boxes of Peperonni and Sausage Pizza. He pulled up to B's driveway and parked his car getting out grabbing everything. He walked into the house closing the door behind him. "Aye B where yall at?" he yelled walking into the kitchen. "Be quiet man. I need you to watch Godance while i go handle some real quick" Camern says walking into the kitchen grabbing his keys. "Where yo ass going?" he asked looking over B. He seen the sad, angered, evil look in his niggas eyes and knew he couldnt be up to no good. "Dont worry about me. Just stay here and dont wake her up." B said before closing the door behind him. Carter shook his head as he made his way to the living room where he seen Godance sleep on the couch. He walked over to her picking her up and gently caring her to her room laying her down on her bed. He didnt want her to be uncomfortable so he walked over to her dreser and found a pair of shorts. He grabbed them and walked back over to her easily slipping her pants down and slipping the shorts on her. He took her shirt off and let her stay in her tank top. He took off his pants, seeing he had on basketball shorts underdneath them. He put his pants to the side, and slipled into bed with her, wrapping his arms around her as she snuggled up to him. He could tell she was hurting. He could see all the emotion in her face. He just wished he knew what was going on. Sighing, he gently kissed her forehead before dozing off himself.

Soooo i personaly think writing in third person is waaay better because it's easier for me to add more detail instead of writing the book in a Character's POV. But if yall like Chatacters POVs better let me know and ill keep doing those instead. So comment which one you guys want. If i dont get any comments ill just write it how i want. Kay? Kay :) EXCUSE ANY MISTAKES.

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