Chapter One

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I'm not alone- Chapter One -Not edited

Where am I?

It was dark, I couldn't see anything but I knew that I wasn't alone.

I wanted to run ,but my legs weren't responding.

And than emptiness.

I knew that it was a dream, the same dream again.How could I be conscious that I was dreaming when I was asleep? Wasn't it meaningless? I found myself so often jailed in that horrible nightmare , all my being wanted to wake up but I couldn't , I couldn't escape from that space with bitter feelings.

- I loved the ring when it woke me up in the morning, with its stubbornness ,from a nightmare. 6.30... . Other days I covered my head with the quilt while I cursed the ring that didn't want to stop when I with closed eyes tried to win the battle with the alarm of my phone. The battle ended with the phone that fell somewhere under the bed , the rebel ring that seemed like it was louder, to remind me to wake up , and some scratches on the screen , memory for violent struggle. I believe you understood , me and the alarm have a love-hate relationship.

But in days like this , I jumped from the bed without taking long.And I reminded myself that it was just a dream and put the blame on stress, always stress and fatigue.

I got ready slowly , today I wouldn't be late, I was sure I would be the first at the study hall.I gathered the heavy books and put them neatly in my bag ,making sure that the edges won't turn ,and than the pens checking i they were open.

Ready. I looked myself in the mirror again before I left the house. I was looking good, my long hair falling gently on my shoulders , and my new jeans that I had just bought were so tight against my legs making them look somewhat taller.Not that I put such importance on details but at the end I'm a girl , I want to look good even in those dark days with many thought in my head. In fact more like medical terms, diseases names, anatomy designations that I was endlessly repeating in my head while driving to school.

-"Goodmorning Clara" - the voice was distant but obviously was adressed to me. There was no other Clara in our course. I looked up but my head suddenly felt so heavy. Damn, I had fallen asleep my ntebook, again.

"Morning, I saved you a chair" - I turned to my friend, one of the few that I felt close to.

"And I brought you coffe"-she smiled, with her sweet smile she handed me a plastic cup while sitting near me.

"I learned until it was really late".

"This is our work, endless hours over the book,we are students of medicine ,aren't we?"

"Upcoming doctors , you wanted to say"-I corrected.

-But our morning conversation ended as the teacher entered the classroom with his so long steps.His overbearing attitude and frowned eyebrowns always opposed his soft voice that could make me fall asleep again so fast. I gulped down my last sip of coffe, waiting for caffeine to open my eyes and increase my concentration.

I was studying medicine ,it was always my biggest dream and it still is, except now I feel one step closer to its realization.Not very close indeed, this school lasts forever, but I know that I will do this in the end. I am passionate about this profession, as are three quarters of my colleagues here. Yes, the rumors are true,not just an urban legend, unfotunately ,this time, it is really a very competitive , but I have no fear , because it forces me to learn even more , to exceed my limits and to always reach above. I don't remember ever wanting something more, so I am dedicated to school, studying and reading books. And I am one of the regular students, attending every lecture , keep clear and detailed records, a focused one in every lesson. I don't want to lie, I'm trying today too , but in a day like this, grey , with the sound of rain that was heard as it beats the large windows of the cold auditorium , it was more difficult.


Hellooo ! For the beginning of the story I know it's a very short chapter but I hope you enjoy it anyway ^_^

Sorry for the grammar and mistakes on spelling, it's not edited.

At the side is a very very very beautyful song by The Smiths ,and it happenes that 'The Perks of Being A Wallflower ' is one of my favourite books :)

Love and hugs x Era

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