Prologue: A Report

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The room exploded in shouts.

"What do you mean?! A year-long mission?!"

"The ****ers at that ****ed Ashley Waters School probably don't even know how to dress?!"

"Have you discussed this with my parents?! Wouldn't this take me away from their stupid concerts? Not that I mind, of course..."

"So close to home?! Will this put my family in danger?!"

Some of the shouts were in anger or shock, others were simply so that the boys could be heard over one another.

Mr. Blackbourne's steel grey eyes cut the shouts off. 

"If it were up to me, we wouldn't go. You know that, as part of the mafia, you have to go along with plans you don't like," Mr. Blackbourne reminded the thirteen sternly.

Heads dropped in shame. All fourteen of them knew that they often had to follow orders they didn't like and their actions were unacceptable. They all understood that they were to follow orders to the smallest detail. They were trained soldiers, each and every one of them. They may be not all be fighters, but they were all soldiers, taught to follow each and every order to a tee.

They reluctantly reached an agreement. They would accept the mission and deal with it.

Family always comes first, and the mafia was like one giant family. If their family was sending them on a mission, they would trust that they would know what they were doing. The Academy would never send them on a mission that they did not believe that the Blackbourne-Toma team was capable of handling.

What was their mission? Simple, attend Ashley Waters High School for a year to find any potential recruits for the family. They were looking for the intelligent, the strong, the extraordinary. They were looking for the people that saw hardship and fought through it. The students who knew what was right and did what was right. People that would make not good soldiers, but the people that would make excellent soldiers.

The younger of the boys, Kota, Victor, Nathan, Silas, North, Luke, Gabriel, and the twins, Corey and Brandon, would enter the Ashley Waters High School as students. The older, Raven, Axel, Marc, Sean, and Mr.Blackbourne's would infiltrate as teachers.

The oldest, Mr. Blackbourne, was still only twenty, so their age would not help them blend in. Neither would their looks. All handsome and fit, they would not blend in easily. No, their looks would not help them fit in. The fourteen would have to rely on their extensive training. This is what they are trained for. Each and every one of them would work together and fulfill the mission.

Mr. Blackbourne passed out folders to each of the thirteen who reluctantly received their files with their information.

"What does this mean?" Raven asked in Russian until he saw the confused looks and tried again in a heavily accented English.

"Let me see," Luke said ripping the file from his hands. "Ha! Raven is the new P.E. coach!"

"Those poor kids," Gabriel snickered. "Won't know what hit the ****ers."

"DaI will have them in shape in no time, " Raven affirmed once it was explained to him what a P.E. teacher was.

Sean smiled at his happy to see that he was the Japanese teacher and the nurse. The double position would keep him busy, but that is what he is used to. After all, Sean is a doctor used to many long and chaotic shifts.

They all had various reactions, but they all accepted their roles like the trained soldiers they were, knowing that orders are orders.

Gabriel was right, though.

The students won't know what hit them.

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