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There will be a bunch of drama sooo get ur tea readyy😊

Millie's POV

After my long conversation with Finn I felt the connection that Mike and El has, Like I think I like Finn....

I can't!! I have a boyfriend!!! I can't ruin that

"Finn..." We heard the door open

"Yeah?" Finn asked

"Uh can we speak, alone.. please?" Y/N asked

"I'll wait, It's fine" I said as Finn and Y/N walked out

Why does shit have to be so complicated

Finn's POV
"Finn, Before I say anything, Please don't judge me or think of me differently." She said

"Where is this going?" I asked

She broke down in tears

"Y/N why are u crying?" I asked wiping her tears

"I-I really like Caleb but I think I like u m-more" She cried out


"I didn't want u to judge me or stop talking to me" She said

"Listen, I really like u but we should talk this out...." I said

"Alright" She said walking to her trailer

We talked in her trailer

"So we like each other...." i said

"Yea, what's next?" She said

"How about we don't tell anybody about us" I said

She looked confused

"Like we should have benefits, Like we could make out privately" I said

"I'm down" she said

"Alright then, I have to go to set" She said

I kissed her as she kissed back, She left as I sat on the couch by myself

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