Save me

725 25 23

I got the tittle from someone and Sorry that I didn't update last night so I will make to chapters❤️


I sat in my bath tub soaking up, I threw away that necklace Finn gave me

I feel sooo stupid and drunk I should've never trust Finn....

And all Caleb wanted was to be my one and only

I cried more in my bathroom

I think I'm having an anxiety attack, My heart stopped I started breathing heavily

I need Caleb to comfort me...

Nah I think it's best to be alone, Caleb was calling me, I quickly declined

I then checked my recent and it said 17 missed calls and 28 Text messages

I called Caleb back

I felt kinda nervous, He picked up

"Hey! y/n are u okay???" Did Finn really cheated on you? If so I will kill a bitch" he said

"Yes can u come to my trailer in 5 minutes?" I asked crying

"Yea Plz don't cry bbg, I'll be there in 10 minutes I'll bring food and movies" he said

"Thank u Caleb" I said

"No problem hang in there princess, Ur Knight is coming" he said

"Okay Bye" I said smiling

"Bye" He said hanging up

I grabbed my towel and changed in clothes

" I wored sweats and waited on my couch for Caleb to come"

I heard the door, I opened it and hugged him

"Thank u Caleb" I whispered

"No problemo" he said sitting down on the couch

He handed me Panda Express, "HOW DID U KNOW?" I said smiling "you'd always talk about your favorite restaurant " he said

"Caleb... Why are u sooo good to me?" I asked "because your a princess and I deserve the world, I don't wanna lose u to a jerk like Finn"

Guys I actually love Finn in real life so chill😂

He said, a tear ran down my face, he whipped it "I'd fight an Army just to see your smile" he said

I blushed like crazy

He kissed me, I was surprised, He kissed me passionately

I pulled him closer


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