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THANKS SOOOO MUCH I Wnna give a big shout out to orangemonkey_321 and @Itsyourgurl_anna1 THANK U GUYS❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ for reading and voting for my story


I just finished a self scene,I went to go see Finn, I looked in his trailer he wasn't there, I continued to walk past B studio, Caleb stopped me

"Hey Y/N!!" He said smiling

"Hey Caleb!!" I said

"Guess what!!"

"What??" I asked

"Meet me at the lake in 30 minutes" he said walking away

"WHY?" I asked

"You'll see..." he said

This boy is up to something, I felt a weird feeling in my stomach, Like I feel like something bad is gonna happen

I found Finn by the lake with flowers

"Hey Y/N" he said

"What are u doing here? I was looking for u!" I said

" never mind that but would u like to go into the city and watch a band with me, tonight?"

"Like... Sneak out!?" I asked

He nodded "ARE U CRAZY!!!" I yelled "it will be fun, trust me!!" He said "But I was suppose to meet Caleb here in like 10 minutes

"We'll figure out something!!! U got An hour to get ready, Wear something casual, Meet me at my trailer at 11pm"

"Finn!" I whispered

"If u decide to go" he said

I looked down and sighed, he held my hand and looked me in the eyes

"I hope that u could come, but if u can't it's fine, I'll go alone" he said making me sound guilty

"I'll think about it" I said

He smiled

"U know where to find me if ur going" he said walking away

U guys get to choose

A) Meet Caleb at the lake
B) Meet Finn at his trailer

I'll write pt2 tmrw

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