Fight pt2

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"ITS ALL UR FAULT!!!" Millie pointed at me

She ran towards me and dragged me by my hair

She started to punch me

"STOP FIGHTING!!!!" Caleb yelled

I punched Millie back and threw her off of me

Millie in black, Ur in the red

Finn pulled me off and Caleb pulled Millie off

Sadie ran to Millie

"Are u alright?" Sadie asked

"I'm fucking done with yo ugly ass" I said to Finn, Caleb tried to help me up "and I'm not even gonna start with u, leave me alone." I said walking away

I locked myself in the bathroom and cried myself, I slide down the wall bawling my eyes out

I heard a knock on the door

"I'm going in, Stay here" I heard Caleb said

"No bitch I'm going in there!" Finn said

Caleb opens the door somehow and sat next to me

He looked at me and gave me a warm smile, He  opened his arms so I could hug him

"Cmon ik u wanna" he said

I hugged him and cried

"That was embarrassing!" I said sobbing "it's okay bbg" he said brushing my hair with his fingers

"Caleb thank u" I said, He pecked my cheeks and I laid my head on his lap

Finn's POV

"MILLIE!!!! WHYD U DO THAT? WHYD U ATTACK HER?? I CANT BELIEVE U!!" I said yelling at Millie

I'm sooo mad at her, I can't believe she acted like that

I left the trailer and went outside

I'm fucking done with this shit


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