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We wrapped Stranger things and decided that we should go eat out to celebrate

I wasn't up for it because I didn't want to be in the same table as Finn

It just would've had been awkward

Millie, Sadie and I all wiped our make up off

"I can't believe we wrapped up" Sadie said wiping her mascara "Yea it felt like yesterday u asked to read scripts with me" Millie said hugging me

"Well after this imma miss u" I said, We all huddled and hugged

I love them they are amazing

We went into the Jeep with the other kids and drove to an expensive restaurant

I sat next to Millie and Sadie, We all took out our phones and recorded ourselves

They boys just starred at us

Our waitress came and freaked out

"Hey I'll be your waitress for tonight AHHHH" she screamed, Sadie kinda jumped


"Sure" millie said

She pulled her phone as we all smiled

"Sooo what drinks would u guys like" she asked trying so hard not to freak out

Us girls took the strawberry lemonade, The rest of us had lemonade and Finn got water

As the gave is our drinks , I sipped my juice and looked away

"So do u guys have any projects after this?" Finn asked

"I'm going to Texas to finished school" Sadie said

"I'm gonna go to school too" Gaten said

"I have to go back to Paris to film my movie" Noah said messing around with Millie like always

"Im just gonna go back to New York's and spend time with my family" Caleb said smiling

"I'm going back to Vancouver" Finn said

"Idk where I'm going" I said

We ordered our food and ate, Finn kept making eye contact I was shook

"What?" I said looking at him "nothing" he said "do u got a problem?" I asked

"No, Just don't talk to me" Finn said

"Why are u being such and ass???" I asked "I'm not!!" He asked

"Suck my dick Finn" I said

"Hell nah" he said

We started arguing "Guys stop fighting" Gaten said

"U guys are caught up in all the drama u forget about all of us" he said

"I'm sorry" I said

"U better" Finn mumbled

I got up and chocked Finn, Caleb pulled me off

Security came and kicked both me and Finn out

We sat outside on the bench, I was sooo mad and pissed

I broke down into tears, i hate Finn

"Are u okay? I'm sorry if I've ever hurt u" he said

"After all this time ur sorry? U cheated on me, U lied to me and I trusted u..... I trusted u Finn and now you've treated me like shit... Idk what I did to deserve this"

I cried

"I'm sorry y/n I just make dumb mistakes" He said

He hugged me

I laid on his shoulder

We watched the moon as it sparkled

"Do u forgive me?" He asked

"Yes" I said

We kissed

Thank u for reading my book!!!! Plz read my other books

Yea this book is complete!!!! Thank u❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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