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It's been a week since Caleb kissed me

We've finished filming 6 episodes

We all sat in the same room, Everyone all the kids including Finn.......

Sadie was reading a book silently, Gaten and Noah where playing video games, Millie was doing her make up on the floor, Finn was on his phone

Caleb and I were dancing to the music

Apparently, Finn kept making death stares at Caleb, Caleb tried to ignore it

"Okay can u stop starring at Me Finn?" Caleb snapped

"Or what?" He said standing up

"Or else I'll throw yo tiny ass" Caleb said

"Well shit" I said

Finn pushed Caleb "what's your problem!?" Finn asked "U U ARE MY PROBLEM!!" Caleb pushed Finn

They both started to fight

Sadie looked up from her book, Gaten and Noah screamed "fight fight fight!!!" Millie moved back

"GUYS STOP!!!" I yelled they started to punch

I got in between and pushed them away, I got punched in the face

It was bruised up and swollen

I looked up at them, The room got silent

I stood up and walked out

Caleb ran after me and grabbed my hand

I yanked it!!!

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" I yelled

"I'm sorry" he said

"That was embarrassing I can't believe u fought him!" I yelled

I walked away

"Where are u going?" He asked

"Away from u" I said walking out

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