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It's been 3 months since Finn told me how much he's looOvEd me, Well anyways... We've finished filming 6 episodes and we have 2 more to go

Over the months and passed few weeks, Caleb and I have been fading Lately, Like Gaten was in the room was ya, then he had a call time and left

It was sooo silent and awkward , I just wish things could go back to the way they were

My relationship with Millie is kind of healing, I mean we're starting to become friends again and With Noah...

he's my brother!!!! He's sooo amazing I can see why Millie loves him soo much😂

Gaten's relationship with me is hilarious, We only laugh at stupid stuff yah know? Like he's the only one that gets my goofiness (besides Finn)

Sadie and I are bsf like best best bestie friends she's sooo amazing!!!!

I want to fix my relationship with Caleb

My phone buzzed, I got a text message from Finn

Why do I have to wait an hour to see if he's okay? I think something bad has happened

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Why do I have to wait an hour to see if he's okay? I think something bad has happened

I need to go check on him

I went to the food trailer and got 2 ramen noodle cups, Fanta orange soda, And a pack of Oreos

I drove to his trailer and slowly walked up the stairs

I opened the door and dropped the food I brought

What do u think happened?????? Comment below

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