Chapter 1

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Authors Note

This is my very first fanfiction so bare with me please. I own nothing except the plot. All characters belong to Nick. Enjoy the story 😄😄😄

Zuko's POV

All I could do to contain my anger was ruthlessly attack the firebenders surrounding me. I no longer cared who or what I injured. I was just about to spit fire towards Chu a very devoted firebender, until I felt a hand touch my shoulder I turned towards the person and was about to attack until I saw
those kind gold eyes looking back at me. I hung my head in defeat and sighed there stood my uncle Iroh the only man who has ever believed in me and is more of a father to me than my own. "Uncle what is it?" I said with a huff "Nephew you need to stop this it is not okay to injure those loyal to you." " I realize this Uncle I'm just so enraged that I can't capture the avatar" I yelled as fire shot out of my hands toward a practice dummy that was severely burnt from all my other rants. "Nephew I always say the only thing better than finding something you were looking for, is finding something you weren't looking for at a great bargain!" "We have no time for your proverbs, uncle! Just tell me what you mean." "Fine instead of kidnapping the Avatar why not kidnap someone close to him then use them as bait." I sighed "like who Uncle... The waterbending peasant". I said with realization my mind began to come up with a plan...

Katara's POV

As I watched Aang practice earthbending with Toph my mind went back to my mother and the stories she would tell Sokka and I. I remember being enthralled with the stories of the Avatar and his miracles while Sokka loved the stories of our past warriors and wanted to be just like dad. I remember dad walking through the door and scooping me and Sokka up in his arms as he gave our mom a kiss and Sokka would gag and run out of the room after his friends. As I was reminiscing I heard Aang and Toph begin their daily argument I sighed and stood up ready to interfere if it got too rough. I watched as a boulder the size of a tiger-seal flew past me towards Aang he then got in defense position and smashed the boulder into smithereens.

"Nice job Twinkle-Toes"Toph said. "Thanks Toph but did you have to make it so big"? Aang asked while all I could do was laugh as I saw my brother coming towards us his traditional wolf tail was in disarray and he looked like he had ran for his life from a giant sabor-tooth moose-lion while screaming, seriously what does Suki see in him I rushed toward him following close behind was Toph and Aang. "What did you do to make it mad?" I asked "Nothing just wanted to eat its cub." He replied I silently face palmed my forehead "Why would you even think that was a good idea?" I practically yelled " I was hungry for meat!" He yelled back oh why did I have to have him as a brother? Aang and Toph took care of the sabor-tooth moose-lion as I helped my brother put his wolf tail back in place and wasn't to gentle with it "Ow Katara that hurts" Sokka said "Well maybe next time you'll think before you go for a predator" I huffed "I'm sorry I want meat" "Well next time why don't you oh I don't know go for a fish" I screamed! Sometimes I just don't get my brother.

That's the end of chapter one please leave comments vote and let me know what you think I will be doing a chapter question so please answer in the comments

Chapter Question: which is your favorite Zutara or Kataang?

Thanks for reading

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