Chapter 3

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Aang's POV

As we all sat around the fire waiting for Katara to come back I began to worry. I knew she was at the river that's where she always goes to cool off but she is normally back by now. Poor Sokka is so worried he rejected the fish we had found! This is so unlike him I mean he's pacing around chewing his shirt and talking to Appa like he can understand him on second thought maybe he just got ahold of some more cactus juice. "I'm going to look for Katara" I said. Sokka stopped pacing and said " good idea Aang I'll join you" we look at Toph and she just shrugged "whatever lets go find Sugar Queen" she said. As we all started walking towards the woods we saw a reddish orange glow coming from the trees. Sokka was the first to react "Katara" he screamed and took off running with us close behind. What was running through my mind only one thing Katara be safe... please.
Sokka's POV

As I saw that glow my mind immediately went to Katara and I took off running as fast as I could. All I saw was the blur of the trees as I was whizzing past them all I could think was please don't let anything happen to her. We were getting closer to the fire and I went into leader mode "Aang you handle that fire" " Toph scan the area for Katara" using her gift Toph stomped her foot against the ground absorbing the vibrations. As I waited for her verdict I watched Aang as he struggled to put out the fire. I ran towards the river with a water flask in hand I knew it wasn't much but Aang needed all the help he could get. Toph ran over to us and raised up some platforms of earth. Eliminating some of Aang's target as he put out the fire I saw something shimmering " I'll be right back" I said. I walked towards the shimmer,as I got closer I fell to my knees my entire body had gone numb. I saw on a rock not two feet in front of me was my mother's necklace. The necklace that Katara never took off...
Uh oh what happened to Katara? Will she be found or will Zuko get away with his devious plan? You'll just have to wait and see *evil smile* comment,vote,follow

Chapter Question: what is your favorite Iroh Quote?

Until next time

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