Chapter 4

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Katara's POV

I opened my eyes and saw nothing just a vastness of white. I started walking trying to get my bearings. I knew I wasn't with Zuko or Aang,so where was I? Up ahead I saw a figure I began running towards it. When I got close enough to see their face I stopped... the face I saw was one that used to tuck me into bed and kiss me goodnight, the face I saw was "Mom" I said with disbelief.

"Katara" she said with a smile on her face " I've missed you" she ran towards me and wrapped me in her arms. How many times did I wish for this moment, to have her back?

"Mom why are you here?" I asked.

"Katara from the moment you were born I knew that you were destined to do things that no other Southern water bender could." Katara you have a gift that no other water bender has had." "Katara you have the ability to heal yourself and others." "You need to use this ability on one of your friends they will need you,Katara remember I love you and am always with you." She started to vanish and I began to awaken. As I woke I looked around and saw the cold metal walls of the fire nation ships. I got up to look around and felt something pull me back. I looked back and saw I was chained to a pole. I heard the door open and saw him Prince Zuko of the fire nation the person who has been hunting Aang since we freed him from the ice.

"What do you want" I asked malice spicing my voice.

"You are going to take me to the Avatar and I will regain my honor!" he yelled at me. I just looked crossed my arms and turned away from him using what Sokka called "the child in me". It got the reaction I wanted I heard him stomping towards me and felt his hands grip mine" you will treat me with respect" he seethed.

"I will treat you with what I believe you deserve which is nothing" I yelled back. I saw him getting even more outraged I smiled because my plan was working. I suddenly felt a stinging sensation in my cheek he had slapped me!


Toph's POV

As I sat around I sighed, things just weren't the same without Sugar Queen around. I felt Sokka lying around probably staring at her necklace and Twinkle Toes was around the corner doing whatever it was he did at this time. Twinkle Toes still practices earthbending but he is so worried about her that he can't even move a pebble. For the first few days all we did was search the river,the woods you name it nothing no sign of the Sugar Queen. "I'm so bored" I exclaimed it was true I had already picked my toes twice, I looked around and felt Sokka jump up suddenly, my interest peaked " what is it Sokka" I asked.

"There's something on the necklace" he replied "here take a look" he said I just gave him the look then heard him say "bad suggestion."

"What is it Captain Boomerang?" I asked.

"A piece of red fabric, do you know what this means?" he asked.

"Katara was kidnapped by the fire nation" I said.

"Yes!" he exclaimed. "Now I know where to look" he said with a smile on his face. I felt Twinkle Toes come zooming around the corner a smile on his face as well.

"What's up Twinkle Toes?" I asked.

"I was meditating when Roku's spirit came to me, he told me where Katara is" he said excitedly. we waited for him to continue.

"Well where is she?" Sokka finally asked.

"What oh yeah she's on Zuko's ship" he told us.

"Great let's to get her" said Sokka.

"Hold up Captain Boomerang we can't go in there without a plan" I stated.

"Toph's right" said Aang.

"I am?" I questioned.

"Yeah it will be heavily guarded I should know I was captive there" Aang added.

"Yeah good point" Sokka said " Aang do you think you could remember where they held you?" he asked.

"Sure thing Sokka" Aang said enthusiastically.

"Great Toph how is your metalbending coming?" he asked me.

"I'm much better now" I replied proudly.

"Great here's the plan Toph you'll get us in and help me take out the firebenders while Aang finds Katara sound good?" he asked with hope in his eyes.

"Sounds great Sokka" Aang said. I felt their gaze turn to me while they waited for my answer. I just smiled loving the torture I was putting Sokka through.

"Let's go get our Sugar Queen back" I said while pumping my fist in the air.


Chapter question: what would you rather have earth bending, fire bending,air bending, or water bending? I would rather have water bending because I love the water!

Ill update soon peace out


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