Chapter 2

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Sokka's POV

As my sister mercilessly pulled my hair back into its traditional warriors wolf tail I saw Toph and Aang coming towards us after scaring away the giant sabor-tooth moose-lion. Toph was looking very mad " you know Captain Boomerang next time you go for meat make sure the mom isn't nearby!" She yelled then walked away with a huff. Aang just looked at me and muttered "I thought it was fun" he said with a sigh then he too walked away. "There all done Sokka" Katara said."Finally do you know I have been sitting here for a whole five minutes" I yelled at her. "Sokka five minutes will not ruin your precious plan to defeat the firelord" she yelled back. "What are you talking about without my plan we all would be in disarray and still trying to find Aang a earthbending teacher I'm the one who suggested we look at the arena" I stated. "Oh yeah well if you never joined this team we wouldn't have to stop for all your useless plans you think your a warrior when really you're just a wannabe you will never be as great as dad Sokka you hear me never!" Katara exclaimed I couldn't take it anymore "Well I wish you had died instead of mom!" I screamed as I looked up I saw tears forming in her eyes "Katara I'm sorry I didn't mean..." "Save it Sokka" she said and ran towards the woods. "What have I done" I sighed and started to run after her when Aang stopped me and said "just give her a few minutes Sokka" I just sighed and sat next to Toph at the fire.
Katara's POV

"How could Sokka say something like that" I thought. I just wanted to get to the nearby river waterbending always cleared my head. As I was running I heard something rustling in a bush nearby I undid the water flask I always have with me and moved closer to the bush "who who's there" I demanded suddenly Momo jumped out of the bush and stared at me with big eyes as I scream and then catch my breath and sigh "oh Momo it's just you" I stated with relief in my voice. All of a sudden Momo started screeching and trying to get away "Momo what's wrong" I asked in confusion then I felt a hand clamp over my mouth and heard it the voice I feared "don't make a sound" I heard him hiss. I nodded my head yes and felt him slowly remove his hand from my mouth as soon as I heard him rustle through his bag I bolted for the camp yelling for Aang and Sokka to help me. I looked back and saw he had thrown his bag and had a fire whip in his hands with a evil glint in his eye he was running after me and he was gaining on me fast! I just kept running I saw the clearing and all I could think was I'm almost there. I had almost reached the clearing when I saw three firebenders come out of the brush. I got my water whip out and was prepared to use it when I felt him grab my hands and roughly pull them behind my back then I fell to the ground as I felt something hit my head all I could do was mutter"Sokka please help me" before I slipped into darkness...
Zuko's POV

I had done it the water peasant was mine now all I needed was proof so I removed her necklace and picked her up and carried her back to my ship. When we arrived I had my Uncle take a look at her head when he said it was fine I put her in the holding cell making sure she was tied securely and locked the door behind me. It was time to send a little message to the Avatar...
Author's Note
One more chapter done yay!!! Please comment vote and/or follow!

Chapter Question:who's you're favorite atla character?
Mine is Katara of course!😄

You'll hear from me soon my pals

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