Chapter 6

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Zuko's POV

"How dare that that peasant touch me, a prince of the Fire Nation!" I said as I held a cloth to my nose to stop the bleeding.

"Nephew do you need any help?" I heard my uncle say.

I sighed "yes uncle the bleeding won't stop" I said mildly embarrassed. As he grabbed the cloth and put slight pressure on it I winced man could she punch I thought.

"You know nephew maybe next time we should grab the brother instead of the sister" he said with a laugh.

I joined in and added "maybe you're right uncle." "I mean he seems to be even weaker then her". I said with a laugh. As soon as those words escapes my mouth I heard the alarms begin to blare. "They are here" I said grimly.
Aang's POV

"Finally we are here" I said as the giant ship came into view "don't worry Katara we are coming for you" I said in a determined tone.

"Finally I'm ready to kick some fire nation butt!" Toph exclaimed. I looked back at Sokka an saw he was just staring at her necklace I gulped he had been like this since we mounted Appa. I was really worried about him he was devastated about Katara he thinks it was his fault. As we touched down we were immediately surrounded by fire benders Toph jumped off of Appa and when she did the metal crunched beneath her feet. She threw her fist in the metal and sent the firebenders flying, she whipped around with a large smile on her face "all yours Twinkle Toes" she said.

"Thanks Toph" I replied as I sent a wave of air over the second set of soldiers. I rushed up next to one grabbed his shirt and said "where is the water bender?" I demanded.

"Like I would tell you Avatar!" He spat.

" I didn't want to do this, but you have left me no choice" I replied. "He is all yours Sokka." I said. All of a sudden Sokka jumped down from Appa grabbed the firebender and started to hit him over the head with his boomerang.

"Where is my sister?" He yelled.

"Okay okay I'll talk I'll talk" he cried.

"He's all yours Aang" Sokka stated.

"Thanks Sokka, now you're going to take us to the water bender." I demanded. He shook his head rapidly and ran down the hall with us closely behind.

"Straight down that hall first door on your left" he said.

"Doesn't it have to be unlocked?" I asked.

"No it is only locked from the outside and after the fiasco we left it unlocked" he said.

"Okay let's go" I said as we headed down the hall. When we reached the door I left Toph do her thing and opened the door. When I opened it I saw Katara jump up with fear in her eyes. That fear quickly turned to relief as she saw us.

"Aang" I heard her say as she rushed forward but was quickly pulled back and for the first time I saw she was chained to a pole! I saw her face tighten with pain.

"Katara what's wrong?" I asked.

"I think that I dislocated my wrist when I rushed forward." She said with a grimace. as Sokka undid her chains and hugged her I saw his face get redder and redder.

"What's wrong Sokka?" I asked. Then I saw it one side of her face was swollen! "Katara who did that to you?" I seethed.

"Z-Zuko" she stammered.

"I'll kill him!" Sokka exclaimed. "Where is he how dare he hurt my baby sister!" he yelled. Katara grabbed his arm and whispered something in his ear. After that Sokka relaxed and gave her a hug.

"Let's go" I said. As we walked out the door we came face to face with the one person I didn't want to see... Zuko!
Authors Note

I know that this chapter is late and I apologize but hope you enjoy it.😊

Chapter question: what is your favorite Legend Of Korra episode?

I can't choose probably when Korra meets Wan.

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