Chapter 5

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Sokka's POV

As I was grabbing all the tools necessary for rescuing Katara I realized I was missing something but what? "Ah" I exclaimed as I began to rummage through my stuff " where could it be?" I asked myself. As I threw aside yet another pair of dirty clothes I found it, I felt my eyes start to water as I held the object in my hands trusty boomerang! I felt a rush of air blow my door open I sighed " what is it Aang?" I asked.

"SokkaIjustgotthisletteranditisfromthefirenation" he replied.

" Aang can you repeat that only slower?" I asked

" Sokka I just got this letter and it is from the fire nation" he repeated.

"Well what does it say?" I asked rather impatiently.

"Here see for yourself" he said as he handed me the letter. I took it from his hands and started to read, by the time I had finished reading I was infuriated how dare he use my little sister as a bargaining chip! "Um Sokka what are we going to do?" Aang asked me.

"I'll tell you what we're going to do" I said with a big smile on my face "we're going to get my sister back!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah but how are we going to do that?" Aang asked.

"I'm glad you asked that Aang, we're going to use the same plan just a different location." As we gathered all our stuff and climbed on Appa I looked at my wrist where I kept Katara's necklace "please be alright" I pleaded as we slipped off into the night.


Katara's POV

As I began to comprehend what he had done I grew infuriated, before I understood what was happening I had begun to throw my fist forward and felt satisfaction when I heard a crack most likely his nose breaking. I just walked over to the pole to which I was tied to and sat down on the pillow on the ground while I listened to him moan in pain and yell for the guards. When the guards finally showed up and saw the disarray their prince was in they were shocked they looked at me with disbelief. I just smiled sweetly like nothing was wrong, as they helped Zuko to his feet he pushed them away and headed for the door when he opened it I saw a chubby old man with his hand in mid-knock. I believe he was startled to see Zuko in this position and I had to resist the urge to shout how does it feel to have the shoe on the other foot. He led Zuko away and I was left alone once again. I sighed and looked to the heavens and said "Sokka please hurry."


Authors note

I am so sorry for the long wait. I hope you guys will never have to wait this long again. Once again I apologize for the wait. On the bright side yay Iroh is here!!!

Chapter question: what is your favorite Sokka moment?

Mine would have to be either when he is dresses as a Kyoshi warrior or when he and Momo drink the cactus juice😂.

Hope to hear from you soon peace out!


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