Chapter 7

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Iroh's POV

I stood firmly by my nephew as we stood in between the door and the avatar and his friends. I looked at Zuko and saw he had a steely look in his face, all I can think is this isn't my nephew. I knew Ursa wouldn't want her son to be like this. "Surrender yourself Avatar and I'll let your friends go unharmed... well mostly." I heard my nephew say.

"N-No Aang d-don't d-do it!" I heard the water bender say.

"What choice do I have Katara?" the avatar questioned. "Someone has to make him pay for hurting you." He stated.

"What can you do that she didn't try Avatar?" Zuko asked with a smirk.

"How about this." the Avatar replied as his eyes started to glow. He rushed forward and grabbed Zuko by his collar and pulled him close "look at her do you see what you did to her!' He yelled. I have never seen my nephew that scared before, but Zuko hides his fear well his face remained stoic. He pushed the Avatar away and took a battle position.

" Are you afraid to attack me without your avatar state?" Zuko said. I knew what he was doing, he was trying to get the avatar off center and make his attacks useless. It was a good plan except for the avatar being a air nomad, they were taught how to keep their mind clear under rough circumstances. "Do you know why I took her Avatar?' Zuko asked. "I took her because the best way to break someone is by taking the one they love away." he stated. As soon as he said that he shifted his focus on the water bender let loose a torrent of fire. Her eyes widened with fear, and due to the four days she was here she couldn't move, her friends weren't anywhere near her. A piercing scream was the next thing I heard everyone turned towards her and what I saw made my heart drop! Her hands were charred all the way up her arms until her armpits, and she also had very burnt feet and was unconscious! Her brother rushed forward picked her up and cradled her.

"Zuko this has gone far enough." I stated.

"But Uncle?" he questioned.

"Your uncle is right Zuko she needs treatment please let us leave." The Avatar pleaded. I looked at my nephew and saw remorse cross his face I hope he does the right thing I thought.

"Fine go" he said. "Before I change my mind hurry." He said a little more rushed the Avatar and his friends rushed past and got on their sky bison and took off.

"I'm proud of you Zuko you did the right thing." I said proudly.

"Uncle it was so hard to let them go, how did you do it in Ba Sing Se?" He asked.

"It wasn't easy, but then again the best choices aren't." I replied.

"Uncle I just want to go home." he sobbed into my shoulder.

"I know nephew I know". I replied sadly.

Aang's POV

I urged Appa to go faster, I whipped my head around to look at Katara she was so pale her normally tan skin looked like glass! "Faster buddy faster!" I said frantically. Sokka looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"You can help her right Aang?" he asked frantically.

"I'll do everything I can Sokka." I promised. I heard Appa roar as I focused my attention on the sky again, we were right above the camp! I landed Appa quickly and rushed Katara into a tent, as soon as we entered she stirred and regained consciousness.

"A-ang it h-hurts." she cried.

"I know Katara I know." I replied.

"W-water" she pleaded.

"Sokka bring her some water." I said . He came running in with a flask in hand and gave it to me, I quickly placed it by Katara, and she moved her arms painfully until the water covered them. "What are you doing?" I asked. she just gritted her teeth and the water began to glow! Her face relaxed and she sighed with relief as the burn disappeared. "How did you do that?" I asked.

" I found out I have a gift, the gift of healing." she replied.

"Did you heal all your wounds?" I questioned.

"No just the burns, because they hurt the worst." She stated. "Hey Aang?" She asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Am I home?" She questioned.

I smiled and said "yes Katara you're home" I replied.

Author's note

Well this book is done! I hope you all enjoyed reading it because I loved writing it. I would appreciate comments to help my writing get better, and would like to thank you for reading!

Chapter question

What is your favorite atla pet?

Mine would have to be Momo because he is so cute and hilarious.

Hope to hear from you soon


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