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these were the women who knitted pain into glory

06. Assassination turned Freedom

 Assassination turned Freedom

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May 2013

She had become a problem.
It had been widely agreed that the only person stopping Hydra from completing their seventy year long plan was her. No one dared to even attempt taking over the organisation whilst she was still alive because, after all, she was the one who founded it and she wouldn't let it be taken over by the very people she fought to eradicate from the earth. Yet, they'd done their waiting. They'd waited over seventy years for their chance to take over and she didn't seem to be too close to death. The woman was old, that was for certain, but she seemed in good health. She still contacted her organisation once a month to speak to the Director about his motives and ambitions. She still spoke to her family every week and even went for daily walks around the nursing estate - which could be over a three mile walk when walked fully - and hadn't fallen seriously ill since her eighty fifth birthday. She had recently just had her ninety second birthday.
Hydra had gotten bored with waiting. For all they knew, she could live well into her hundredth year and by then, the organisation would have probably found stronger leadership. By then, the organisation could become paranoid and remove everyone they didn't trust from its walls and then it was seventy years wasted. The time was perfect. They'd planned it all. Sure, Captain America being defrosted the year previous was a set back in their dates but they had found a way around it.
They had everything they needed but they needed Margaret Carter dead.

Svetlana wasn't impressed. Hydra had refused to send the Winter Solider back into field immediately after being frozen to face a forgotten ally. They had become paranoid as to where they could send him as the man became more and more irrational and despondent. The Solider wouldn't properly remember but he'd have memories flash back and then he'd go awol for weeks. They'd all agreed that sending him to assassinate his life long best friend's supposed lover would be too dangerous for them all. Especially as it was Peggy Carter. They all knew that the woman could easily talk anyone into joining her side, let alone a man she knew as a young woman, and that she was likely to recognise the man. So they sent Svetlana out.

Svetlana had been in the Moroccan capital: Rabat. It had been more of a holiday more than anything else. She had originally been sent there for a quick assassination of a future President of Government. It had been anything but hard. A simple bullet in the heads of him and his three children and Svetlana had a whole lot of time left before she was meant to leave for the U.S. Hydra hadn't gotten any pressing matters so they had left her to her own devices with the condition that she'd answer their calls and not block them like she'd done beforehand.
Yet, merely a day after she'd assassinated the man, she'd gotten a call and was forced to return to America.

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