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these were the women who knitted pain into glory

23. Back to the future

 Back to the future

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April 2018

Well, she definitely wanted for nothing growing up.
Svetlana muses quietly as she looks around the entrance hall they were stationed in. It had taken her by surprise: the out-of-the-blue phone call. She wasn't going to answer it originally. Ringing on her personal phone, she knew it had to be one of the Avengers and she simply hadn't wanted to speak with them just yet. Her days had been filled with old friends, now younger than they'd started as, and Svetlana hadn't wanted to give it up just at that moment. She answered it, however. Something in her gut told her it was of importance, unlikely to be a personal call, and she was pleased that she had.

Tony Stark hadn't known how to react when Peter had asked him if his friend could meet him. He'd adopted the kid a little under a year ago, shortly after Svetlana had left, but he'd been a perfect match for the group. Peter Parker was Spiderman, the new superhero in the city, but he had also been very alone after his family had died, Tony had rescued him and it had naturally led to adoption papers being signed. Now, being Ironman, of course he was used to fans but, coming from Parker, it seemed strange. He almost hadn't thought of the teen as having people outside of the Avengers so, when he'd begged Tony to allow his girlfriend ("No, she's just a friend! Honest! She's just a friend of mine who's a girl.") to meet Ironman in the flesh, he could hardly refuse. It was only upon meeting the girl that alarm bells began to ring. The resemblance was shocking. He could, if he had stared at the girl for longer than was socially okay for him to usually do, actually pin point which feature was from each parent and which was a merge.
Over a year of searching and the girl had come to them, literally. She'd just strolled into the tower, a spitting image of her parents, and had blown all of his assumptions away. Though she looked like her parents, she was absolutely nothing close to what he'd imagined a child of two international super assassins to act like. Still, he'd called Svetlana shortly after meeting the kid, promising her and Peter that she could come back whenever she pleased, and gotten Jarvis to do an in depth background check. Mutant was a word mentioned a lot, as well as Charles Xavier (a man he knew vaguely of), and Tony Stark, for the first time in a while, was silenced.

Bucky looked uncomfortable to say the least. Svetlana, if she weren't in their current situation, would have barked out a laugh at the sight of how uncomfortable the man looked. His whole body was on full alert, natural movements slightly softened from the year of physical and mental healing he'd had, and his face was completely devoid of any recognisable emotion. Charles Xavier, a kind man, had allowed them into his institute for a tour under the condition that they were safe for students to be around. As these students flooded past them, mindlessly talking amongst themselves, they seemed to stare as they walked around Svetlana and Bucky. They must of recognised them; Bucky especially seemed to be on the local newspapers a lot after missions with the Avengers. They nervously looked at them, eyes barely meeting theirs, and seemed to keep their distance. Svetlana turned to Barnes to only see him glaring at them all and she supposed she'd have to be the soft one so smiled at them back.
They were waiting on their tour guide. Charles knew of their situation, sympathising with the pair enough to let them into his school, but had refused for them to see her. He'd said that she wasn't mentally fit to have such a bomb thrown onto her and, though Bucky had gotten angry at this, Svetlana understood what the man wasn't saying.
You're two of the coldest people on earth and the girl is too warm for you to tarnish that just yet.
Svetlana understood and respected his decision. If it had been anyone else, she'd have fought back. Perhaps she'd of killed them on the spot but that thought was just proving his point. Neither were particularly stable, even after Svetlana had spent a year allowing herself to learn how to calm her constant anger and how to actually socially interact with other normal people, and the girl had obviously been raised to be stable. It wasn't the best match and Svetlana was willing to wait as long as their daughter needed before they could meet.

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