~ Two ~

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Hanna sat down in her seat and waited for her teacher Mrs. Hildegarde to make her usual morning announcement but of her making her announcements there were a bunch of army soldiers standing by the front board. Hanna was really confused. She looked outside, her best friend Jade was getting pushed in the back of a German vehicle. She knew she was Jewish but Jade was always good at hiding it. What was going to happen to Jade... Hanna didn't know. What were those blasted Nazis going to do to her best friend? The look Jade gave Hanna was enough for Hanna to run out of the school and go save her best friend but she can't. Hanna saw Jade's little brother in a blue prison uniform get shoved into the street and kicked but a German Nazi. Hanna stood up with tears streaming down her face, yelled "NO!" Everyone including the soldiers turned to her. "Miss. Collins? whats wrong." Mrs. Hildegarde said. "Um, nothing," Hanna said. "Than why do you care if those soldiers shove those disgusting Jews into those small cars?" Mrs. H said. Hanna was so upset by her teacher that she made a huge mistake her family and she will soon pay for. 

* Jade's POV. * 

I don't know where we are going but all I can worry about is where Fynn is. He is only 6, he won't be able to take care of himself.  We drove for about an hour when we stopped at a huge barbed wire gate. There was a huge sign that read Auschwitz Concentration Camp. 

I've heard about this on the news where people go into this camp, but never come out

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I've heard about this on the news where people go into this camp, but never come out. The tears rushed down my face as the Nazis were unloading our trailer. They held us tight and took us into a small room where they changed us into striped prison uniforms. I knew what they did to the woman who were not strong enough to do the work the Nazis made us do. I, however, was very strong but I still am scared. I don't know what the horrible Germans are capable of just yet but I sure hope Fynn will be okay. 

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