♢Chapter 5♢

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Todoroki P.O.V
After getting out of the rain, I lead Yaoyorozu back up to her room so she could get changed into dry clothes since she fell into a puddle and all her clothes got drenched.
When we got there, Yaoyorozu asked me to just wait for her outside her door, which I obliged to. I stood outside her door and waited, which wasn't very long before she came out.

"Well we're free to do whatever we want now, so what should we do now?" Yaoyorozu asked me as we began making our way down the hallway. "Well you never got breakfast, so let's go to the kitchen and get you something to eat" I told her, which she happily nodded to.

I lead her down the hallways and through corridor until we got to the ground level of the castle and into the kitchen. The kitten was large enough. People walked around preparing lunch, cleaning and washing up. "So is there anything in particular you would like to eat?" I asked Yaoyorozu as I gestured to the kitchen.

She glanced around before coming to a conclusion. "I would like something simple like just a slice of apple pie or maybe just a sandwich" Yaoyorozu spoke as she walked ahead of me and started looking around the kitchen, which had me curious. What was she doing?

"Yaoyorozu what are you doing?" I asked her, confused as she looked through cabinets and shelves. "Making food, what dose it look like?" Yaoyorozu told me like it was basic knowledge as she pulled out bread, cheese, slices of meat and more.

"You know you don't have to do it yourself. You can just ask a cook" I told her. Yaoyorozu turned to me and gave me a look of disapproval, like she was annoyed at me for offering the option. "Well I like doing things on my own. I hate people doing things for me and I can make myself a simple sandwich" Yaoyorozu told me and she made her breakfast.

I was surprised. I never seen a princess do something for herself. Every princess I meet, they are always asking for someone to do something for them, even asking me sometimes which I hated. But Yaoyorozu, she did things herself in her own way. She didn't need help and could do things herself and takes action for herself.

I then had a weird feeling once again. Every time Yaoyorozu dose or says something, I have this feeling. When I find something out about Yaoyorozu, I have this feeling. It's not just that, but anything she does gives me this feeling. When she thanks me for something, when she speaks non stop about something with such joy, and even as something as her turning to me with a smile.

Whenever she does these things, I have this feeling. It's hard to describe this feeling but the best way to describe it for me is a warm fuzzy feeling from the inside that brings you happiness. I don't know what this is, but if I don't know what it is and soon, I may go insane to be honest.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice Yaoyorozu was done and walking over to me. "So where shall we go now?" She asked me as she took a bite out of her sandwich. I was snapped back into reality. "Oh em we can look in the library if you would like?" I asked her.

I saw Yaoyorozu's face light up. "Yeah, I love library's. I spend most of my free time there reading poems most of the time, but I also love reading adventure novels to" Yaoyorozu told me. So she also loves book's to? So she's  kind, sweet, pretty, independent and intelligent. I could feel that strange feeling coming back again.

"Okay this way then" I instructed calmly as we left the kitchen and up to the third level of the castle. I noticed as we walked, Yaoyorozu was going on about her favourite poems and stories. "And I really like the poem Still I Rise, I just find it inspirational you know" she spoke on about. "What's your favourite poem Todoroki?" Yaoyorozu asked me. I was kind of surprised she asked me with my name, but I quickly got over it and replied.

"Dulce et decorum est".
"Ohh that's a good one. Personally that one scares me a lot, like how he describes how his fellow comrade chocks on poisonous gas and how you can hear the blood gargling in his lungs" Yaoyorozu replied as I saw her shudder at the thought, which almost made me chuckle a bit.

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