♢Chapter 21♢

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Rei Todoroki looked out the window of her sons room, sitting on the window seat, her sons favourite book in hand as her hand felt over the cover of it.
She looked as far as her eye's could see out the window to the world she could no longer be apart of or experience for herself.

Although, she was happy for her son. If Princess Yaoyorozu never convinced Endeavor, her son would still be here, depressed and miserable, just like her.

All she felt these days was depression. After being locked away in this castle, having her 3 children taken away from her and her only child now probably never coming back, she only felt depressed.

She always felt like she wanted to cry, cry her feelings out until they were all gone and flooded the room. She felt like she had no motivation in life any more, and honestly felt like ending her own life, which she nearly has on multiple occasions.

The first was after her daughter was taken away from her by Endeavor. She remembers clearly as she and Fuyumi were sitting in the thrown room, reading together, when Endeavor walked in, a angered expression across his face.

He marched over to the two girl's and grabbed Fuyumi's arm roughly. "Ow!" Fuyumi called out in pain, a terrified and confused expression across her face by her father's actions.

"Your coming with me girl" Endeavor spoke coldly as he dragged Fuyumi out of the room with force. Rei remembered as flashes of her two previous sons being taken away came to her mind.

"No.." she whispered to herself as she got up. "No please" Rei called out as she ran over to her husband and grabbed his arm. "You can't take her away, not like Toya and Natsuo!" Rei begged of him, feeling tears running down her face.

"Let's go of me woman" Endeavor ordered, but she refused. She wasn't going to let this happen. Not again. She didn't want to loose another child.

Rei remembered that exact moment she was smacked over the face with full force, causing her to fall to the ground and stay there, her body shaking and blood running down her nose.

"Mom!" She heard Fuyumi cry out, and that was the last she ever heard from her.
After that, Rei tried to kill herself, but couldn't bring herself to jump.

The second time she tried to kill herself was when she was expecting her fourth child. It shattered her, knowing that this cycle of having a child, raising them, only to be taken away from her again would continue.

She didn't want to live and she didn't want her unborn child to live the life her previous three children had to go through.
Rei tried to poison herself with a cupcake, but couldn't bring herself to take a bite.

The closest she was to killing herself was after she poured boiling water over her own son's face. She felt like she didn't deserve to live after doing such a thing to her son. When she was locked up by Endeavor, she refused to eat for day's, thinking it was best that she just starved.

However, after days of hunger and horrible food delivered to her, it was her own son Shoto who convinced her to eat, and to keep living. She remembered how he was the one to come down to her cell with her food, that he made himself.

Rei remembered how he ran over to her, sobbing, and begging her to eat cause he didn't want her to die. He told her he didn't want to stay in the castle by himself with his father cause he was mean.

"Don't do this mom, please stay. I don't want to be left alone" he cried.

She remembered stroking his white hair and her own tears starting to fall.
"Don't worry Shoto, I'll stay here and protect you to my dying breath" she promised him softly.

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