♢Chapter 14♢

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The sounds of the horses hooves hitting against the dirt path and their heavy breathing was the only sound that could be heard, blocking out the sounds of the chirping bird's above hidden in the tree's.
Yaoyorozu looked to her right, to see the ocean between the tree, meaning they were both close to the docks that would bring them to the island.

"Almost there. We should be down my the docks at any moment" Yaoyorozu told Todoroki as she turned her attention to him. "Good" Todoroki replied.
"So what's our plan when we get to the One For All Kingdom?" Yaoyorozu asked the boy.

"We go to the castle and explain that we have a emergency and that we have to talk to the king. When we meet him, we'll explain that my father has murdered my mother, and I'm next on his hit list, and that my father may be planing attacks" Todoroki explained to Yaoyorozu, anger filled in his eyes.

Todoroki was angry with his father. Furious even. Why would he kill his mother. Why!? What was his father planing!? Was his father angry at his mother for some reason and decided to kill her? Or did he kill her out of fun?
And why was he searching for him?

Todoroki knew his father was looking for him, since his father did come into his room looking for him. What would have happened if he was caught? Would his father had acted like nothing had happened and make an excuse on where Todoroki's mother way? Would his father have thrown him into a cell or in the same one as his mother? Or would he had killed him on the spot, stabbed him in the stomach and watch as his blood covered the floor.

Todoroki shook his head. He shouldn't be thinking of things like that. It wasn't the time for it. No time to think of 'What If' scenarios.

Slowly, the docks came into view and the two teens sighed in relief. They were almost there.
Once they got closer to the docks, they hopped off their horses and tied the reins up to a wooden stand next to other horses.

Yaoyorozu and Todoroki walked over to the docks, and could see the next ship making its way over from across the water.
Yaoyorozu crossed her arms and began tapping her foot impatiently.
Todoroki noticed.

"Relax Yaoyorozu, we'll get there in no time" Todoroki tried to reassure her.
"I know that. It's just...I'm just worried about my father and my own Kingdom. If your father found out you came and left, then he wouldn't be to far behind you, meaning he would come to our castle soon to, and who knows what he would do" Yaoyorozu told the boy next to her.

"I'm sure your father and Kingdom will be fine until morning. My father wouldn't go anywhere this late at night. It's nearly 2 in the morning after all" Todoroki pointed out as he pointed to the dark sky above.

Yaoyorozu looked up at the sky and the two became silent.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" Yaoyorozu asked Todoroki. "What is?" Todoroki asked as he looked to her. "The stars. It's always nice to watch then, and try to make shapes out of them and constellations" Yaoyorozu spoke.

Todoroki also turned his attention to the sky. She was right. The stars were a beautiful thing to look at, shining brightly against the dark sky.
"I agree" was all Todoroki replied with as they waited for the ship.

They stood there watching the sky for 10 minutes until the ship finally came to land and allowed them on board. There wasn't many people, only a man and a woman together, a teen no older them Yaoyorozu and Todoroki, and a shady looking man, so the two teens kept to themselves.

They were quiet on the way to the island. There wasn't really anything to talk about amongst each other but to sit in silence. The tension was heavy and was probably driving them insane. They needed to do something. Anything to keep their minds off how bored they were.

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