♢Chapter 25♢

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"Where is it? I know I saw it somewhere!?" Uraraka exclaimed as she threw one book after another from the highest shelf in her large library. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu stood at the bottom and watched as the girl flung more books over her shoulder, the books nearly hitting the teens below her.

"What are you looking for exactly?" Yaoyorozu called up to her friend.
"A spell book" Uraraka replied as she scanned the shelf.
"Isn't that like, every book in here?" Todoroki questioned her.

Uraraka rolled her eye's as she finally saw a red book, gold lining covering the edges.
"Found it" Uraraka announced as she leaned back, holding out her book and waving it.

She slid down the ladder and stopped at the bottom, and happy smile on her face. "So what's that spell back for?" Todoroki asked Uraraka as she walked passed them towards the large table.

"It's a invisibility book".
"A invisibility book?" Yaoyorozu questioned.
"Yep, this is going to help with our plan" Uraraka spoke as she opened the book.

"How is this going to help us?" Todoroki asked her as the two of them watched as the girl flip through the pages.
"Basically, my plan is to temporarily turn a small team invisible, so they can get across the blockade without being noticed. But for that," Uraraka spoke as she rushed over to the window that looked down at the courtyard.

Down below, Bakugou was sitting beside the large red dragon, it curled up against the wall, as the two of them were having a nap.

"Hey! Bakugou! Come up here!" Uraraka yelled down at the blond, disturbing him from his sleep. Bakugou opened his eye's and looked up at the girl, clearly annoyed.
"Then make me you witch!" Bakugou yelled up to her with anger.

Uraraka sighed.
"Hey, Yaoyorozu, can you pass me that book next to you?" Uraraka spoke as she pointed to a blue book that was on the table next to Yaoyorozu. "Sure" she replied as Zoe picked it up and looked down at it. It was a book about levitation and flying.

"Here you go" Yaoyorozu spoke as she walked over and handed it to Uraraka, who took it and smiled. "Thank you, this will help" Uraraka spoke as she turned her attention back to Bakugou.

"Hey, Bakugou!" She yelled, throwing the book out the window, and was lucky enough that it hit Bakugou right on the head.
"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR ROUND FACE!?" Todoroki and Young could hear the blond scream.

"He's sure got a pair of lungs" Todoroki mummbled, revering to the boys constant yelling.

"Just get up here! And bring Kirishima with you!" Uraraka shouted down at him. The dragon lifted it's head at its name being called.
Bakugou growled to himself.

"Fine! Whatever!" Bakugou yelled back. Satisfied, Uraraka closed the window and walked back over to Todoroki and Yaoyorozu.
"So what's this plan?" Yaoyorozu asked Uraraka, a little confused why the brown haired girl had to throw a book at Bakugou and why he had to come up.

"I'll tell you in just a minute, we have to wait for Bakugou and Kirishima to get here. So sot down while we wait" Uraraka spoke as she walked over to her large library and searched for more book.

Todoroki and Yaoyorozu made their way over to a small table and sat down, Yaoyorozu wincing in pain.
"You okay?" Todoroki asked her with worry. She only nodded.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine" Yaoyorozu spoke as she lifted her head up, looking at Todoroki with a small pained smile.

"Yaoyorozu, you should probably get back to bed. Your stab wound still isn't healed yet and it hasn't even been 24 hours yet since it happened" Todoroki spoke with concern.

"I said I'm fine. I don't need to be laying in bed when we are in danger" Yaoyorozu spoke seriously, snapping a bit, catching Todoroki off guard a little. He didn't expect her to turn her mood so quickly like that.

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