Wasted. +/5sos fan fic/+

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My name is willow.

According to Google my name means grace & beauty.

But in my opinion those two words don't describe me at all.

I'm a clumsy, emotionally unstable or confused 18 year old girl.

I swear I would be completely lost if I didn't have the best friend anyone could ask for.


He is probably the only thing the keeps me from going crazy nowadays. Of course my grandparents help but, they are barely around. When I was only six years old my parents left me. Not on purpose of course. They died in a plane crash coming home from their honeymoon in Hawaii. That is reason I have the biggest fear of air planes ever!!

It is also the reason I live with my nan and pap. HEY! dont make fun of my nicknames for them I think they are quite cute. But anyways I live with them now in a nice house in California. Its a really really nice house in my opinion. You could say that We are slightly wealthy since my pap is retired and my nan is a lawyer. So they have quite the income. But I don't really think about the money I'm just happy that we live so close to the beach and plenty of great places to get froyo. That's frozen yogurt to those who don't understand the "slang."

And over all of the reasons that I enjoy where I live my absolute favorite reason is that i live quite close to Michael. Oh my gosh Michael is the best person ive met by far since I moved to California in the 8th grade. In fact he's one of the first. I can never forget how me and Mikey first met it has to be one of the best moments in my life.

(the story starts now ha)

It was the Friday of the first week I went to my new school in California.

I didn't make friend instantly and i didn't expect to. I didn't exactly look "normal." The summer before I moved I decided to dye my hair.

It was a Burgundy red on top and it faded to a dark-ish blue on the bottom. It defiantly wasn't natural and you could say that I dressed sort of dark-ish. Most of the time I dressed in band tees and skinny jeans It kinda helped me not stand out too much. I was very insecure and had bad-ish anxiety. So anyways getting to the part where I met Michael. Ya so it was recess and I was walking across the football field towards where i usually sat When I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see rather tall boy looking at me.

"um hi!" he said while waving his hand slightly as a cheeky smile appeared on his face.

"Um hey" I said confused

"I'm Michael and I like your hair!"

He said with another smile. I was still a little confused as to why he had approached me but I replied with a smile.


"well I actually came over here to ask if you maybe wanted to sit by me and my friends today!"

he said shyly as his smile turned into a sort of half smile as he looked at me.

"Ya! sure I guess that beats just sitting there  alone."

I said pointing towards the spot against the fence where I usually just sit and draw weird, stupid little drawings.

"It sure does!"

he said as he started walking towards a shady area near the ramp entrance to the school that handicapped students use. And that's when I officially met some of the best people I've ever met.



and of course

My best friend Michael Clifford.

and we are all friend to this day and we are all seniors in high school. now it is really close to graduation and i cant wait to leave this hell and spent my summer hanging out with friends and being care free. no worries. just fun. 

at least I hope.

I'm just hoping that this last month of so of school goes by fast.

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