Wasted 2.

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    I woke up to the sound of Michael's quiet snoring. I lifted my head up from his shoulder and checked my phone to check the time. It was around 9:00 and I decided to call my Nan like she had told me to the night before. 

"hello?" she said in a sweet little voice and I could tell she wasn't tired at all.

"hey Nan i was just calling like you told me too."

"right. okay well you have fun hanging out with Michael today."

"I will. Me and Mikey actually have plans to go to a party tonight is that okay?" I asked shyly. the way that 'party' sounded coming out of a teenagers mouth. It just screamed ' drugs and alcohol'.

"yes. of course I trust you not to do anything stupid! have fun."

"thanks Nan, bye." I said before hanging up and walking back to where Michael was.

  When I stepped into the living room I noticed that Michael had woken up. 

" I wasn't expecting you to be up so early.' I said teasingly.

"shut up. I know you would have woken me up anyways." He said, laughing  a bit.

"You know me too well."

"Well I think I know you just enough." He joked.

"Wow Michael Clifford. you are something!"

" is that good or bad?" He said sitting up from his previous position.

"I'm not too sure yet.' I said teasing him once again. "We need to go to my house. by the way."

"why? and why do i have to go with?"

" Because, I need to take a shower and get ready to go to Ash's party tonight and you're going because my Nan probably left  and it would be boring without you."

"fair enough." he agreed. Then he stood up and when upstairs to get ready.

A few minutes later michael was ready and we wee on our way to my house.

"you know what i love most about living here?" Michael asked randomly.

'"I don't know. what?"

"Living close to you. It makes things so much easier, since were always hanging out." 

" I totally agree." I sais as i nodded

Once we got there Michael did what he usually did when he was at my house, he just sat on the couch, on twitter.

Michael's POV

Once Me and Willow made it to her house She went upstairs to get ready while I sat on the couch and checked my twitter and listened to music. I listened to mostly Green day and All time Low for about 20 minutes until Willow was completely ready. She looked absolutely perfect, even though she just had on shorts and a hoodie with her hair in a messy bun. She still looked amazing.

"Don't worry this isn't what I'm wearing to the party. I didn't want to make you wait too long so I'm just going to change at your house." She said as she pointed to the bag she had on her Right shoulder.

"okay then let' go." she nodded and we left her house.

*back at Michael's house*

"So what now? we still have a fez hours to kill." I asked.

"I have no idea."

"Isn't there a fair in town all ths week?" I said. i saw Willow's eys widen as I said that.

"OH MY GOSH YES!!!! we have to go." She yelled, Tugging on my arm.

"Fine. we'll go." I said as I let out a fake sigh. I was actually really quite excited.

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