𝑡𝑤𝑜. 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒 ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠

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           "Still running errands for Uma or do you actually get to keep what you steal?"

           Of all the things she could have said, and of all the voices he had to of heard, it had to be Mal. Harry's day was going off nice and stingy as any other day. The scarf he stole for Jax was currently in ashes at his house, seeing as the boy was a pyromaniac, but nonetheless, it still earned the pirate major brownie points. He had managed to calm Uma down instead of letting her rage spiral go on, and he threw Gil into the pier for, what? The second time today? In other words, he was having, may God forbid, an okay day.

           And then she just had to show up and ruin it.

           Nevertheless, he played it off cool. "Well, well, well." He drowned out. "What a nice surprise." He said as he leaned backward.

           "Hi, Harry." She greeted with an annoyed tone.

           "Just wait! until Uma hears you're back." He said as he shouted the 'wait' heavily. "She is never going to give you back your old territory." During this, he kept looking at her up and down. What could it possibly be?

           "Oh, that's okay," She replied nonchalantly. "Because I will be taking it." At this Harry chuckled a little. "Say hi to Jaxy for me, will you?" At the mention of his boyfriend's name, Harry stiffened. Mal laughed a little. "That's right, didn't he have a crush on me a few years ago?"

           "He got over it." Harry frowned menacingly at her. What did Jax ever see in her? And for that matter, what did Uma? He didn't get the allure of Maleficent's daughter like his friends did.

           "Yeah, I'm not surprised. When it comes to Jax he's always switching flavors, you gotta wonder what's next after the fishy pirate. I've only been back a day and I heard that Anthony Tremaine has a thing for him." She smirks heavily, knowing she pushed just the right buttons.

           Harry stepped closer to the purple haired girl, his hook caressing her cheek. "I could hurt you." With that Mal abruptly grabbed his wrist and pulled out the gum in her mouth, only to place it on top of the tip of the hook.

           "Not without her permission I'd bet."

           Harry took a step back, only to shove all the things on the counter to the floor. He pointed his hook threateningly at Dizzy. "Tell your cousin that if he comes anywhere near Jax, he'll have me to deal with for the rest of his life." He whispered menacingly, which only inflated her fear.

           Dizzy gulped and nodded. "Will do." She whispered back.


           "Yer never going to believe who's back, my dear Captain." Greeted Harry as we walked into the Chip Shoppe. "Pretty little princess, Mal." He grinned widely, waiting for Uma to give him orders on how to dispose of the witch.

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