𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒. ℎ𝑒'𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡

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Jax is English.

Harry is Scottish.

There's a difference, folks. That includes their accents in this book.

Please stop with the comments about Britain and Scotland being part of the United Kingdom.
I already know this.
It is not necessary and they will be deleted.



𝑯 𝑬 ' 𝑺 

The simple thing about Jax Hatter was that there was no simple thing about him. A usual Wonderlandian stereotype was that they were unpredictable and surprisingly in a happy mood a lot. Well, Jax only fitted one of those stereotypes.

He and Uma were always the brains when it came to plans, and Harry(who was just as intelligent) and Gil were mostly the muscle. Right now they were in a perfect position of controlling Mal. They just needed to figure out how exactly to do just that. How to make her agree to a wager, and how to make sure she'll stick to her word.

Well, the answer was quite simple really. "We use Ben." Spoke the British brunette boy after three minutes of silence. Everyone looked at him to continue. He sighed. "Gil, you saw him on the Isle along with the rest of Mal's wankers, right?"

The blonde nodded his head vigorously. "He was all in leather and dark clothes, I think they were trying to make him blend in."

"So that means he's not here on official duty." Gil giggled at the word 'duty'. Uma still continued. "He's not here with actual guards, just those traitors."

"Which makes him an easier target. We can easily separate them." Jax went on. "It's simple really, we tail the group, and once they've got their guard down, we remove King Ben from the equation." He says mocking the title of King. He turned to his boyfriend. "Harry, you'll deliver the threat because, to be honest, you're very good at threats." The pirate grinned at him. "Once Mal gets here, it's your turn Uma, you gotta make sure you win."

"Honey, it's me your talking to." She smirked at him.

The young Hatter lowered his head for just Uma to hear him. "You and I both have a past with Mal, we can't deny that. But you especially have a bad track record when it comes to her, I just don't want you to make the same mistakes as last time." He whispered.

"Worry about yourself, Jax." Uma gulped lowly. She knew he was right, but as Captain, she wasn't going to appear weak to her crew.


Uma dropped a tray of food to a seated pirate. "Hey! I wanted the fried clams!"

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