𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛. 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑚

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           Something Jax Hatter was a pro at was multitasking. He could mix drinks and flirt with Harry any day. You turn around and then he's balancing a pile of books on his head whilst figuring out equations. And just for fun, he could get on hand stands and belt out the Jabberwocky poem as a song.

           For this upcoming battle, he had to have his attention on one thing and one thing only. He couldn't multitask on something this important.And while his heart said: You can do both. You can get the wand and keep an eye on Harry.

           His head said something different:
           The wand is more important.
           Be sure it stays out of Auradon's hands.

           In the end, his head won:
       Harry can take care of himself.

           He double-checked, making sure all his hidden daggers were in their rightful places. Unlike his comrades, he didn't deal with swords. It made the fighting seem much too prolonged, and he'd rather be quick and swift than waste his time on a sword fight. A simple move, and he could hit just the right spot to subdue any opponent.

           Jax was the first to notice they had arrived. It was Mal's usual crew, but with the added member of a Chinese girl with long brown hair. Lonnie Shang, right before his eyes. It might've been years since he's seen her, but Jax never forgets a face. A trait that can be a gift at moments, but sometimes a curse.

           The VK's had scoured the entire opposite position of the ship. Jax took a moment to think to himself, they outnumbered the do-gooders twenty to five easily. Could they really be so stupid? Most definitely, Jax answered himself.

           After Jax, the next to notice them was Harry, whom quickly announced their presence to the entire pirate crew. "Welcome!" He exclaimed aggressively.

           "Finally!" Uma expressed, she started giggling with the excitement of getting the wand.

           While the two leaders insulted each other and kept going back and forth, trying to find a different way to lead to this transaction, ultimately, Uma got her way. She always did.

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