𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟. 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑗𝑎𝑥 ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟

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𝑻 𝑯 𝑬   𝑳 𝑬 𝑮 𝑬 𝑵 𝑫   𝑶 𝑭
𝑱 𝑨 𝑿   𝑯 𝑨 𝑻 𝑻 𝑬 𝑹

           Mal and Evie were currently in Lady Tremaine's beauty salon. They were making smoke bombs for the exchange at Uma's boat later that day.

           "Hey thanks again, Dizzy for letting us use your supplies," Evie called out to the little girl sitting on her desk.

           "No problem, you guys are always welcomed here." Dizzy gushed out with a pink face. She was so happy to see Evie back, even if it was for a few hours. "Also, be sure to throw away anything in the toxic bin when you leave, unless you want to keep it."

           "Why would we keep it? Some of this stuff wrongly mixed could burn through our skin." Mal wondered aloud as the little girl shrugged back at her question.

           "Jax never throws it away, whenever he's here he takes over half of the-" Dizzy was cut off by the purple haired girl.

           "Wait, Jax? He comes here?" Mal walked over to her.

           "Yeah," Dizzy answered, confused. Anyone who knew Jax knew his talents laid in the occult sciences. That said: experiments, chemicals, and botany. "It takes forever to get good supplies from the school's chemistry labs, so he just comes over here to get more stuff." She shrugged off.

           "So that means you know him well? You guys talk when he comes over?" The purple haired girl pressed, it seemed like she was hell-bent on finding out more about the Hatter.

           "Not really, he's very private. The only person you'd catch him talking to about personal stuff would be Harry, or maybe Uma." She offered.

           "What about Yen Sid? His guardian?" Evie guessed.

           "Jax moved in with Harry about a year and a half ago, remember?" Dizzy revealed.

           "Wow, we are really bad when it comes to other people, huh?" Mal mused.

           "No, we're not," Evie denied. "We've just been busy with our own problems."

           "Well, anyway, as far as I know, Jax is incredibly loyal to Uma's crew. Possibly just because of Harry, but other than that, and his alchemist brain, and heavy-duty drunk days, there isn't much we or anyone knows about him."

           "What about you, M? Didn't you say you knew him?"

           "Yeah, but he had a crush on me, hanged around me for a few weeks, then it was suddenly like he vanished."

           "But in those weeks, you never talked about stuff?"

           "No," She answered sheepishly which earned her a disapproving look from her best friend. "Last time I saw him was before we all went to Auradon, I think. We were all just starting to get to know each other so I didn't spend as much time with him as you guys, plus I've never been a people person! You know that! Not to mention he never decided to talk about himself, he was practically my shadow for those weeks. I do remember he was never afraid of my mom the way everyone else was. It was weird." She said in defense. "Why is it so important anyway?"

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