𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒. 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒

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𝑹 𝑬 𝑴 𝑬 𝑴 𝑩 𝑬 𝑹 
𝑾 𝑯 𝑶    𝒀 𝑶 𝑼 𝑹 
𝑭 𝑹 𝑰 𝑬 𝑵 𝑫 𝑺    𝑨 𝑹 𝑬

Lonnie raced down the hallway of the boy's dorm room. She had been listening in on Jay and Carlos' conversation with Chad. She hadn't meant to be eavesdropping, she was passing by to get to the fencing gym, she had been meaning to let out some frustration. But then Chad mentioned that Ben's been captured. And Dude talked, that was sure enough to get anyone to eavesdrop.

Her plan was simple: either she goes with the boys to the Isle of the Lost or she tells the Fairy Godmother everything. Her adrenaline was running high, the thoughts and fear of the Isle not bothering her as much as they used to, and the rush of blackmail getting her what she wanted. Lonnie's mom was different from the other kid's moms. Theirs were tragic and cursing, filled with magic and true loves kiss. Her mom didn't enter the war for a prince, she did it for her family and her home. Did she get a husband out of it? Sure, that was a bonus. But either way, Mulan didn't enter the war in the most legal way, and it looks like Lonnie will have to follow in her mother's footsteps to change the way people think about herself as well. And she was fine with it.

Along the way to picking up extra swords in case things got messy quick, and if it was the Isle, it probably would, Lonnie ran into another student. "Sorry," She apologized, dropping a few swords on the ground. When she bent to pick them up, she noticed the long blood red dress that covered the person's feet. Due to it being night and trying to sneak the weapons out discreetly, no one could tell who it was she bumped into. But the red dress gave it away. No one wore long red dresses to school, red was considered a power-hungry color, and was used mainly in accessories. The rose of Belle's ensemble, the jewels in most royals crowns, the ruby slippers of Dorothy. And no one also wore long dresses or ballgowns unless it was to ball of course. But one person did always wear long red dresses, it was none other than Ruby Queen herself. Daughter of the Red Queen of Wonderland.

"Lonnie, dear, what could you possibly need with so many swords?" Ruby tilted her head in wonder. Her voice was strong yet elegant. She spoke as though she knew what you were doing, or what you were thinking. As though she had all the answers, and frankly, it was the perfect way to make everyone else unsure as to how to go beyond their day. Ruby was quite possibly the scariest of the WKs. She wasn't British like most of the Wonderlanders, but she did have a faint accent somewhere that phased out and back in, time and time again. Just another thing that made her so intriguing.

"Ruby! Good to see you! Have you done something with your hair?" She tried unsuccessfully to change topics.

"Avoiding the question are we?" She wagged her finger as to tut tut tut. "What would the Auradoners think of that?"

Lonnie decided she could be threatening too. "What would they think of you if they find out Jax Hatter had something to do with capturing Ben?" At the catch of Jax's name did Ruby's focus turned from amused to serious in a matter of a millisecond.

"Jax?" Her voice almost quivered but Ruby new better than that. She would never cower in front of others, it wasn't because of weakness but because of respect. "Jax was involved in the abduction of King Benjamin?" Her voice, no longer surprised, but almost- impressed.

"Yes, and until you promi-"

"Lonnie, darling, I've got far more important places to be at the moment than to stand here frightening you in the dark. I'll keep your secret if you do a small task for me." The Queen kindly offered. Her smile was sickly sweet, both girls knew it wasn't a nice smile, but rather an all-knowing one. One that said 'this is your only option.'

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