Chapter 14: Suspicions

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A/N: LOL, I just checked my previous chapters and I notice a "I'll stop using P.O.Vs." I'll make the necessary changes next time! Anyway! 37 more subscribers to 100 folks! Do support me!

Unfortunately, this story is ending soon but do not fret! The next one will be much longer and better I promise! It's also a Vocaloid Story but I'm shipping the certain Vocaloid to a OC! Read it if you don't mind. I'll give you guys further updates!

Let the story begin!


After 5 days of enough playing, the Vocaloids finally decided to practice. It was only the beginning of hell for them. The practice is for the Christmas 2016 concert after all and it was already halfway through the year. They had about 6 more months to practice for some more.

After breakfast, they were immediately led to the dance room to practice their dances and songs. Y/n, however, wasn't allowed into the dance room and Miku strictly opposed to the idea of her following into the dance room. She saw how furious and serious Miku was so she decided to back out. She felt a little fearful of Miku which suggest that she was slightly beyond scared. She turned her heel out of the dining room and decided to go to the hill where Kaito and her got together but not after Kaito gave her a peck on her cheek. She blushed and walked out after that.

It was still morning when she got out which means she still has until evening before she could see Kaito and the rest of the team. She simply sat at the top of the hill and brought her legs to her chest. She looked up and the glaring sunlight entered her eyes. She squinted at the sight and focused on the blue skies. Without knowing, she started to sing Every Time You Kissed Me. She was probably reminded of Kaito when she was about to sing that song. She closed her eyes and started to hum that song. She didn't want to sing the lyrics because she found it a hassle.

Perhaps it was because the glaring light made her eyes feel tired and she felt like closing her eyes but she didn't. She looked around, still squinting her eyes and she found a large tree. She went under the tree and sat down. She leaned her body and head against the trunk then she brought her legs to her chest again. She closed her eyes and went to sleep.


By the time we were given a break, it was already afternoon. The team would know that I would always get out to get some fresh air. I passed by the dining room to invite Y/n to see if she wants to hang out with me since I would always invite her. I couldn't find her and started to worry a little. I got out of the dining room and noticed Miku lingering in the hallways. Miku looked angry throughout the whole practice for some reason. Worried about her, I went to ask her but firstly,

"Miku, did you see Y/n?" I approached her and asked politely.

"No." She gave me a plain answer with irritation in her voice.

"Hm? What's wrong with you?" I asked, curious.

"Don't know, don't care." She replied harshly.

"Miku, you can't be like this. Tell me what's wrong." I said, firmly.

"Does it matter to you how I'm feeling, actually, what do you care?! Couldn't you just leave me alone." She flared up suddenly.

"Miku! This is not like you, tell me what's wrong!" I flare up as well.

"Nothing's wrong! I'm just upset! Whatever I've planned up until now isn't working and Rin-" She stopped suddenly as if she realised what she just said. She looked at me afraid.

"Hm? What did you plan with my sister, out with it. You better not be getting her into trouble." I said, lightly in a joking manner, not threateningly.

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