Chapter 30: Preparation

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A/N: It's time for the final phase! I don't want to break it to you guys but I have to.

3 more chapters until the end! Maybe I'll add some extras haha! In any case, let's move on!




Things has gotten busy for the Vocaloid team lately. In a week's time, the Christmas Party Concert will begin soon in Singapore. They have to travel all the way to Singapore in order to hold one concert. Y/n helped out here and there with the musical instrument but when it's time to practice, she isn't allowed to enter. The musical instruments are to be sent to Singapore via a vehicle that is supposed to come and get the items from them soon. After packing and waiting, the vehicle came and the instruments were loaded into the vehicle. After that, it went off. The Vocaloid house now looked more empty since the instruments were cleared and sent to the airport so that they could send it to Singapore. It was time for practice and Y/n asked to go home. She waved goodbye to the Vocaloid team and went home. Instead of heading straight home, she went to a nearby playground where she would always hang out at. She played for a while at the swing and took a little break. She knew if she went straight back home, she had to do her homework straightaway.

After brooding around, she decided to go home. She did her homework straight away and finished it early. After that, she switched on her computer to look at the Vocaloid webpage while listening to Youtube.

"Len, releasing his new song, Miku's Lover revealed, Kaito's MIA, Luka's New Costume, Fukase's new duet. Rin's Advice and a Special Surprise for A Special Friend." Y/n recited. She sighs softly and place her chin on her palm.

'No new updates. The old ones as per normal.' She thought to herself. After that, she decided to read fanfiction while listening to music. She looks at the time and sees that it was still early. It looks like it was only 12 noon.
She continued with her fanfiction reading and was soon engrossed with it.

Len, on the other hand was brooding while looking at the blue sky. Rin comes to him and sighs.

"What are you thinking of, Len?" She asks.

"I.. Miss Y/n somehow.." He said.

"Wha- Even though you saw her just now?" Rin looked at him in disbelief and covering her mouth with one hand. He sighs.

"Rin, if you were in my situation, what would you do?"

"Me? Well,  I was thinking about what you say every time. You're scared of rejection and you tell me again and again. I quite understand how you feel but that doesn't mean people like you aren't really doomed right? Believing alone, for us in a world like this is impossible. If we have faith but we don't try it's useless. That's how I think." She smiles at him.

"Of course, you're right." Len says and smiles back at her.

Len looked back at the sky, the blue azure sky. The sky is a piece of hope for him. After every storm, he hopes for a blue sky. The blue sky represents fearless as it shows that the sky is not the limit. He believes that if he tries hard enough, he can go past the blue sky and somehow go to the outer space. Like what Rin had said, faith is useless without effort. He believes that effort must be done to get what he wants. He says, he is going to try out and sees how it goes. That is how he truly believes.

After much brooding and such, three days passed again and the day of the concert nears. Len has been practicing his new song so that he is able to sing it to Y/n and confess to her as well. He must do it his way. The Vocaloid team and Y/n sets off for Singapore where they will reach tomorrow. The time in Singapore is one hour away so they think they would be jet lagged. Y/n, Len and Rin are in one row and the others in other rows. Miku's lover is also there. Y/n lies her head to the back of her seat in an attempt to fall asleep. She falls asleep however, she ends up on Len's shoulder somehow. She was having a good dream.

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