Chapter 26: Sleeping Princess

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Nah, jk. Read ahead! It's not Len she found btw.

And I should apologise for adding in a magical element. I hope this doesn't destroy your view about my story xd. Well, it wouldn't make sense if she was crying when she saw Len so I was like, let's go for a plot twist and a magical element!


I couldn't believe the sight before me. The clock struck 12am and the surroundings turned crimson. Everyone stopped moving. Only the person in front of me and I were moving because I felt his breath. He smiled at me as I looked at him disgusted.

"Hey there, Y/n." He says with a regrettably familiar voice.

"What is this place?! Why are you here?!" I screamed at the unexpeced visitor.

"Calm down. I'm not the real person." He smiled.

"What do you mean?! You're clearly him!" I pointed at his hair, his eyes, clothes, height, everything until his feet.

"I'm not Kaito." He said.

"Huh?! Who are you trying to trick?!"

He takes out his glove and revealed a black hand with some red nerves around. He smiles again.

"The real Kaito wouldn't have the heart to smile at you anymore." He said as he leaned it. I calmed down, slightly convinced at this.

"The you now, cannot meet Len." He said again.

"What do you mean?"

"The you now, cannot be with Len." He repeated.

Suddenly, a sharp pain started to throb in my head. I screamed in pain and shut my eyes tight. The next thing I knew, the whole world went black as I fell down with someone supporting me.


"Y/n!" Len screamed, panicking.

'This wasn't suppose to happen! She was fine when I was dancing with her.' Thought Len as he wondered what was going on. Len was kneeling down as he saw Y/n fall into his arms slowly as if she was floating down. A whole lot of people were crowding around them confused. The principal came down and then he looked at Y/n.

"This cannot be happening..." He says, a little puzzled.

"What do you mean?!" Len screamed back in anger and the principal kept quiet.

"Bring her to a hospital!" The principal said and called an ambulance.

Once the ambulance came, Len brought Y/n down to the ambulance immediately. Rin and Miku followed as well. It drove to the nearest hospital. When they reached, she was brought to the ICU and checks were being done. Len, Miku and Rin were all waiting outside. Len was down and didn't say anything. Miku and Rin got worried.

"Len, don't worry. She's going to be fine, she's a strong girl after all." Rin tried to reassure him. He could only nod.

The doctor came out. Len jumped onto his feet and walked to the doctor.

"She's fine. There's nothing wrong with her. It's only extreme exhaustion." The doctor smiled.

"When will she awaken?" Len asked.

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