Chapter 3

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The boy stood up out of the dark and presented himself with a smile. He, well Nathan, held out his hand and flashed his white, straight teeth at me. Nathan was gorgeous. His black hair glistened in the light coming from the door way that it almost came off as a navy blue. I got lost in his eyes; they were bright grey-blue with a hint of green by his pupil, literal angel eyes. I pulled my eyes down to his chest, and read his shirt: The Word Alive. He has flawless taste in music and his looks are unexplainable; this has to be a dream, right?

"Jade?" Dr.Stropher coughed and nudged me. I realized that Nathan was still holding out his hand, and hadnt wiped the grin off. How long had I been staring? 

"Oh, um yeah. Hi, Im Aqora. I mean, no. Im Jade. Jade Aqora." I stuttered, facepalming in my mind. I waited for awhile and remembered that i hadnt shaked his hand yet. I quickly reached for his hand and shook it, with the wrong hand. "Oh um, Im left handed, sorry." I switched hands and heard Dr.Stropher chuckle a little.

"Hi, Im Nathan. Im left handed too!" Nathan smiled at me again, and lifted his hand for a high five.

"Okay, Jade hasnt clawed your eyes out yet, so I guess you're good. Have fun guys, well there isnt much to do but.." Dr.Stropher said as he pushed the table out, and closed the door, leaving no light, again. 

There was silence in the room for about ten minutes straight, and heavy breathing here and there. 

"So, what are you in here for? You dont seem crazy to me." I said, pushing my back against my wall and holding my pillow to my face. 

Nathan chuckled. "I- well, how about you go first? You dont seem crazy to me either." 

I took a deep breath before saying anything. He cant see me, and he has nobody to tell, so might as well, right? 


Nathan and I laughed as we splashed our feet in the ocean. We were sitting on the edge of the dock, watching the sunset. I wouldnt say that we were an official couple; I saw him more as a best friend brother type than a boyfriend. 

"The ocean is so pretty. Its like your eyes, I swear!" I laughed and wrapped my arm around his neck so our friendship necklaces could click together. They were fish that had a small magnet on the lips so when they were near eachother, they would "kiss". 

"You really like my eyes, Jade! You practically swim in them! Silly goose!" Nathan tapped me on the nose and smirked. 

I felt the water suddenly turn cold, and the current of the water went from peaceful, to rapid waves. I looked around to see if any boats were near or if a signal of some natural disaster went off; but nothing. The ocean itself wasnt being fierce, but something under it was. 

Nathan spotted it first: small bubbles growing and growing, creating ripples that rocked the dock, almost breaking it. I held onto his shoulder and shot him a glance signaling him to run. Nathan just sat there frozen, letting his feet dangle off. 

I started to feel panicky, and I could barely control my body;everything happened so fast.

"Nathan!" I screamed, shaking him roughly. I looked at him and saw his face pratically frozen, face tinted blue with terror. I brought my hand over to his wrist to feel his pulse, nothing. I sat there helplessly, cold and confused, for about 10 minutes. I shook away the shivers and roamed my eyes around.

Where's Nathan? 

It was getting dark and the water stopped moving. I dipped my feet in the ocean and assumed that Nathan had gone to get something. Multiple times I felt something touch my feet and I got startled, but shrugged it off thinking it was only small fish; no harm. 

I stared into the water and saw the moonlight's reflection painted on the little waves. Something unusual interfiered with the water; a small object was bobbing up and down. I didnt have a flash light so I could barely see what it was. I reached for it and jumped the moment I laid my hands on the object. It was cold, colder than the water itself, and felt awfully familiar and smooth..


I brushed the water back and forth so this thing could be shown more. Something coming from the object flashed my eye with a sparkle; something silver, something small, something metal.. a ring. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I forced my hand out to grab it. 

As i pulled more of it out of the water, I realized what it was the moment I had held it. I remember his touch when we highfived, or when we occasionally and playfully held hands, all that stuff. My face shrivled up at the sight of pulling out my best friend, now dead, out of the water. It was all so confusing.

I started to breathe heavily, having another panick attack, and pulled him fully out of the water. I cupped his iced face in my hands and looked at him with sorrow in my eyes, and kissed him on the forehead. I toughened up, and flung him into my arms, walking towards my house. 

What was I doing? Shouldnt I call the cops? Did I murder him, or was it a natural death? Wait, how did he even die? What?

I dragged him into the house after checking if anyone was home. Pulling out one of his old sweaters I had borrowed ages ago, I put it on him and glanced at him. Just looking at him made me cringe up. I slid out the old princess treasure from under my bed and carefully placed him in here.

"No one has to know," I whispered to him, even though he couldnt hear me. I shut the box and locked it,  unaware of what I was getting myself into. I threw the key on a necklace and clipped it on my pants, shoving it in my pocket so no one could see. Putting the box back under my bed, I spritzed my room with lemon body mist so it wouldnt smell like ocean water. 

This was just the beginning of death's game. 

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