Chapter 6

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Nathan and I both sat in silence in our room for almost an hour. I quietly hyperventilated, considering that I thought I murdered my best friend for almost three years. Nathan looked familiar when I first met him, but I didnt take anything too seriously.

"Did you really?" I finally blurted out. I covered my mouth, unaware that I was speaking for myself. I heard Nathan sigh, and scoot closer to me.

"I didnt mean to, I promise. Im so sorry, Jade. You dont understand the pain Ive felt ever since that day," Nathan whispered into my ear. I jumped a bit; he always seemed to be right next to me, and it scared me.

"I- I honestly dont.." I began, but felt hot tears streaming down my cheeks. I couldnt help myself but put my head on his shoulder and cry. Nathan pushed the hair out of my face, even though he couldnt see me. I felt so comforting when I was with him. How is that possible? He killed my best friend, and then tried killing himself. Selfish human being.

I pulled away at the thought of that moment, and I cringed a bit. I could feel the tension between us and immediatley crouched back into my corner. I felt his arms drape around my waist as he pulled me in closer to his chest.

"I'm so sorry, Jade," Nathan whimpered quietly and I could feel my throat clogging up and tears ready to stream down. I couldnt make out any words, I was so speechless.

I'm guessing Nathan could feel the tension and fright between the both of us, so he worridly scooted farther away from me. I grinned sympatheticly, though he couldnt see it, and held his hand again.

"Friendship lock," I said, trying to comfort him. I didnt even know what that meant, but he didnt know that. We had our hands locked for almost an hour, but in silence. There was really nothing else to do except sit there, and wait. Wait until who knows how long. I felt a breeze run along my spine, leading me to shiver and let go of his hand. Nathan stared me down; I couldnt see it, but I could acknowledge his eyes piercing through mine.

Tapping on the wall where we rested our heads and backs began to ring in our ear, and we both jumped. My eyes fluttered downward, almost like I couldnt control them being shut. Without thinking, I flung myself against the wall, pushing my ear so I could hear the tapping.

Thump, thump, thump.

Thumping noises were all I could hear, until I heard laughter. The beating slowed down and quieted, but the laughter grew louder. It wasnt a creepy laughter like how it was in thriller or horror movies, it was like... playful laughter.

The sound of waves splashing chimed in with the laughter, and roaring tides hit the walls. I gasped a little, and turned around, looking for Nathan. I couldnt feel his presence, but Im sure he was here. I ignored the fact that somehow Nathan silently escaped from my bed, and pressed my ear on the wall once again. It was dead quiet, except for whimpering. A few water splashes here and there, but the whimpering turned to cries, and the cries turned to sobs.

'I remember all of this like it was only a few days ago'  I murmured to myself. I finally took the hint: I was hearing the sounds of a flashback. The flashback of my best friend's death.


"Wake up," I said, shoving Nathan off his bed and popping a piece of gum in my mouth. "We still have to attend that weird gathering thing every Thursday," 

Nathan groaned and slammed his head against his pillow, and then the wall. 

"Seriously? You've got to be kidding me," He lazily spoke, putting his hands over his head and under the blankets.

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