Chapter 4

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"Tell me, please!" I begged as we walked out the door, me trailing Eliza and Angie. I had asked them about Mr Hottie and Eliza had just said 'well' in the most suspenseful way, and then Angie cut her off and said, 'we'll tell you in the car.' Like, no! They can't do that!

I climbed into the passengers seat and Eliza glared at me as she got in the back.

"Maybe I shouldn't tell you now since you stole shotgun." She said, sassiness in her tone. I rolled my eyes.

"You can have it on the way home! Now tell me! We're officially in the car, so I deserve my information on Mr Hottie!" I said. Eliza laughed at the nickname I gave him but began to speak.

"So, I asked Alex about him last night and I learned his name is John Laurens." She said. I blushed simply hearing the name. John Laurens. It has such a nice ring to it.

"Wait, Alex knew about this guy already? Why didn't he tell me! We're like... each other's confidant!" I said, frowning. Eliza reached forward and pinched my cheeks, and I slapped her hand away, forcing my frown more.

"Aww, poor little Peggy! Ok, but for real, do you want to hear about him or not?" She asked with a small smile. I nodded quickly and peeked up.

"So, he met this Laurens kid in the middle of the summer. I guess he moved here from South Carolina, I think? I dunno, but it doesn't really matter right now. But Alex became like, super close with him and now they're totally best friends. Like, I don't know how I haven't heard about this guy sooner." She explained. I nodded, prompting her to continue.

"He's in the same grade as Alex and I, so a year ahead of you. But seeing him shouldn't be hat much of a problem since you have all AP classes. And there's always lunch, too." She said. My heart sunk a little when she said he wasn't in my grade, but maybe we'll have some classes? I'm advanced in a lot of stuff by a year, so it's possible. And Liza's right, there is lunch.

"Well, I don't know about you Eliza, but to me, it sounds like Peggy's got a little bit of a crush on this John Laurens you speak of." Angelica smirked, glancing quickly back at Eliza before turning back to the road.

"Ugh, do you guys ever stop with this crush stuff!" I exclaimed, slouching in my seat as Eliza laughed.

"Nope!" They chimed in unison and I groaned, sitting back up and staring out the window, occasionally taking part in my sisters conversations but mostly thinking about the guy I hadn't even met yet. And how I was going to call Alex out for not telling me about him earlier. I could have gotten a head start with Laurens! All the girls are going to be all over him, he's so hot. And I'm a year younger so I'll have even less of a chance.

I sighed to myself, pushing thoughts of him out of my head. I'm being stupid! I mean, I hadn't even met the guy for real yet and I was already falling for him. Not that I'd ever tell my sisters that.

We pulled into the parking lot and I groaned, unbuckling my seatbelt and picking my backpack up from its place on the car floor. I flung it over my shoulder and joined my sister, where they were walking towards a bunch of our friends who were waiting for us.

Immediately, Angelica went to Laf and Eliza to Alex. I looked around our little circle and saw Hercules and Maria talking, Thomas and James close to making out, and a guy in a green shirt who was—

Wait, oh my god. It's him. John Laurens from the beach.

Ok Peggy, stay cool, it's all fine. It's not like he looks even better than yesterday, hah. Be calm, just be nice and be yourself. He's Alex's friend! It's all fine... I thought to myself. He saw me and smiled, walking over from his place next to Alex to stand by me. I forced myself not to blush.

"Hi! I'm John Laurens. Did I, um, see you at the beach yesterday?" He said, introducing himself and asking. I swooned internally upon hearing his voice, hanging on every word that came out of his mouth.

"I'm Peggy Schuyler. And yeah, I think so." I said. Wow, I didn't stutter or freak out or anything! Cool. Point for me, I guess. That never happens.

"Cool. I thought so, the yellow gave you away." He laughed. I blushed a little as I looked down at my dress. His laugh, oh my. I could fall apart from just that.

"Yeah, I do wear a lot of yellow." I said, giggling uncharacteristically. Realizing how weird hat sounded, I spoke up again.

"So, you're new here? And friends with Alex?" I asked, trying not to sound too creepy. He nodded.

"Yep. I moved from South Carolina at the beginning of the summer and met Alex a few weeks later. We hit it off right away. Also, he talks about your sisters and you constantly. I'm surprised I haven't met you sooner." He explained. I nodded.

"Oh, that's cool. Eliza's dating him so he's around us a lot. Why'd you move all the way here?" I asked, desperately wanting the conversation to continue. He sighed and looked away.

"Uh, family problems. I don't really like to talk about it but I'll tell you at some point. It just doesn't seem like the best thing for a starter conversation." He said, suddenly serious and more quiet than before. I felt guilty, obviously I'd hit a sore spot.

"Oh. I'm sorry for asking." I said softly. He waved it off and we sort of just stood there, small talking until the bell rang.

"I'll see you at lunch?" He asked right before we split in separate directions. I beamed, happy he wanted to see me again.

"You can count on it." I replied. He grinned at me before turning down the hallway, going to his locker. I walked to mine as well, my smile still displayed on my face.

Another point for Peggy.

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