Chapter 27

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"Peggy. Peggy, you have to wake up."

I jolted awake and looked around, momentarily forgetting where I was and what was going on. John was sitting next to me, looking over to me as I woke up. His hand was slowly moving through my hair, and the feeling I had right now made me want to stay right here. I didn't want to wake up, get out of his arms, leave this comfort and face the awful things I had to face.

"What's going on?" I mumbled, stretching a little bit. He gave me a sad look.

"Your phone is blowing up. And not... not because of something good. I'm sorry, Peggy." He said. I sat up quickly, moving my hands around the blankets and sheets in desperate search of my phone.

"Hey, hey. I've got it. It's here, it's okay." He said, handing me my phone. My heart dropped when I saw missed calls from everyone I knew, half the people in school. Hundreds of texts sat there waiting to be read. I felt that sick feeling come back to me. I didn't want to read these messages. Instagram notifications were pouring in, saying people were commenting on a post I was tagged in. Oh no. Oh no, no, no.

I shakily clicked on Instagram and immediately I was faced with James's posts. One of them was a picture of me, similar to the ones that had been all over my house. My... body, was all blurred out so it wouldn't get taken down.

I scanned through the caption of the post, my head spinning as I took in the words James was saying about me, my body, who I was.

james.reynolds: let me tell all of you at washington high school about this girl - margarita, or as you all probably know her, peggy schuyler.
peggy and i have been together for quite a while now, until she decided that she just needed to not only cheat on me with the new guy, but break off our loving and committed relationship to run off with him.
i begged her to stay, pleaded and told her i would give her anything. this past year we've been together, i've given her nothing but love and my utmost admiration. i thought she was the love of my life but she clearly didn't feel the same way. she threatened to expose me for lies about our relationship that aren't real. she told me, "go ahead and post what you want about me, i couldn't care less because we're done". so here we are. peggy sent these photos without telling me ahead of time. i had no choice but to look at them, and when i see them, it is no longer the body of a woman i loved. it disgusts me because it reminds me how people can turn on you the way she did.
she is nothing but a lying, cheating, dirty whore who can't keep her legs shut for anyone but her boyfriend.
don't trust her. she'll rip your heart out and lie about how she did it.

There were hundreds of comments and I made the mistake of going to read them. I didn't feel like o was even breathing anymore.

why would she ever take those
ugly slut
you're better off without her dude!
i always knew she was a whore
can't believe she's so different than how she acts
lying bitch!! i'm so sorry james
don't know why anyone would want her anyway
how embarrassing
man that's tough, we're here for you james
damn her parents must be disappointed
yessss expose her
she's deserves this

I'm going to throw up.

I tossed my phone to John before sprinting to the bathroom, my breakfast from earlier showing up for the second time today. I clutched onto the sides of the toilet, breathing heavily once I felt like I was in the clear. I quickly flushed and leaned back against the wall, pressing my hands against the cold ground. I couldn't catch my breath.

Everyone thought I was a disgusting whore, an ugly slut who was good for nothing but sex. How can they make comments like that when they don't know the whole story?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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