Chapter 11

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Oh my god. Oh my god.

"Angelica!" I shook her shoulders, lifting her head into my lap as her eyes fluttered open. I sighed in relief as she sat up, rubbing at her eyes.

"What happened?" I asked urgently, wondering who could've done this to my sister. She scowled as she ran her fingers over a bruise on her jaw before answering, suddenly sobered up.

"Your ex. I dunno why, but he just jumped through the goddamn window and started choking me when I told him I didn't know where you were." She said, standing up and brushing herself off. I felt myself freeze for a moment. James did this? But I decided to ignore that fact and mention the elephant in the room.

"Why were you and Eliza drinking?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes at her. Angie shrugged.

"It's a Friday night. And we figured that if we loosened up a bit, we could get you to do it too." She said, nudging my shoulder a bit.

"What do you mean, 'get me to loosen up too'?" I asked.

"You seem stressed. We can all tell, and it worries us. More than you know, it worries us. You may think we forget about you Peggy, but we're really just... watching from the sidelines and making sure nothing bad happens. But now, even though you say everything's fine, I have a feeling we didn't watch close enough and something slipped through the cracks. Somethings wrong." She said, sitting back down across from me. I picked at the cuffs of my jeans as she spoke.

"Sorry for worrying you guys." Is all I could manage to say. She sighed deeply before getting back up once again and heading off.

"I'm gonna make sure Liza isn't going to crazy out there." She called, walking to the living room. I didn't answer but instead picked up the envelope with my name on it.

My hands were shaking as I opened the envelope and took out the paper, walking to my bedroom and locking the door behind me.

My dearest Peggy,

Do you remember what I told you the day you broke up with me? I said, "you're going to regret this. I will get you back and there is nothing you can do about it."
You didn't believe me, did you? You didn't believe that I wouldn't do everything to get my little play toy back?
Well, I guess this teaches you not to doubt me anymore.
Sunday night at midnight. If you aren't at my house, I will come to get you. And trust me, you won't enjoy if I have to come get you.
We can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way, Margarita. Your choice.

- James Reynolds.

He wasn't lying. Oh god, he wasn't lying. I knew he was horrible, but this? Blackmailing me by hurting my sisters, forcing me over to his house. I might as well be asking to be killed.

What do I do now?

a/n: sorry this is so short. But I'm excited to see which direction I take this story! You guys will just have to wait and see...

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