Chapter 8.

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It was late in the evening, and all in the clan were asleep in their respective Chambers.  However, Bella was not. She felt so strange, that she was not living in her own little cottage. Being surrounded by all these new people, and all these new faces felt so strange to her. Luckily Lydia had put the children into the unused nursery, that once belonged to her very own children and her nephew's children.

Because of the epidemic of the grip, that happened a few years ago, all of her children became ill and passed away due to the sickness. And the nursery became an empty chamber of sadness. Feeling sorry for the sad circumstances that befall the poor lady, Bella accepted her offer of settling her children there.

Bella was sitting on a cushioned chair that's sat before the Roaring fire in the Great Hall. She was sorting through her meager supplies of herbs and medicines that she had brought along with her. She knew that at some point, she would have to go out and venture into the surrounding forests for some new herbs. She mentioned doing so too Lydia, but the old woman cautioned her, reminding her about the recent skirmish that the Laird and his brothers have had with Clan McKenzie.

Sighing deeply, Bella straightened her back, and attempted to massage her neck, only to suddenly jump when she felt strong hands replacing hers.

          "Sorry, for frightening you lass! I was doing my rounds and was surprised that someone else besides myself was awake. When I ventured closer, I saw you rubbing your neck, and I realized that maybe you would want a massage? You wouldn't mind me giving you one would you lass?"

  "No of course not Cambryn, I would be eternally grateful if you wanted to.

While he was enjoying the massage, she began to ask him, her request.

      "Would it be possible, for me to go out into the forest and gather some more Herb's? I checked your Supply and found it to be woefully bare! With winter coming ever so closer, it would be ideal to make sure that this clan doesn't run out of the medicine and the herbs that will be needed just in case another case of the grip hits the clan and causes more death."

     "With the recent skirmishes we've had with Clan McKenzie; I would only allow you to venture forth if you were accompanied by a few soldiers for protection. When would you like to do this, Bella?"

Bella turned to stare at Cambryn's face. He was so handsome, as it was hard not to gaze at him without talking. Bella wanted so much to caress his cheek, but she was not in that type of position where she would be able to do that. She was Clan McKladdon's New healer, not the new lady of the clan. She wondered if her future circumstances might ever change. Would she be able to find love? Would she be able to find the type of man that would love her for all eternity? She was brought out of her thoughts when the doors to the Great Hall were pushed open and a distraught young woman came running into the Hall, carrying a young boy in her arms. She was crying so much that Bella felt an instant urge to get up from where she was sitting and help her.


Laird McKladdon, please I beg of you, can you help make my Robbie well again?"

    "What seems to be the problem, Alyssa? Where is your husband?" 

Cambryn inquired. 

"He..., He went out on patrol, this evening. Robbie was feeling fine before he left, but as the sun was just beginning to set, I noticed that Robbie was starting to feel ill. I tried remembering what mama said about keeping fevers down.  I tried Laird, but my efforts have gone in vain. Would it be possible to get assistance from the new healer?"

Cambryn smiled and decided to introduced Alyssa to Bella. After the introductions were made, Cambryn stepped aside and watched as Bella started to examine little Robbie. He was glad that he decided to bring her along with him. Obviously, her skills were not needed back in that bastard's home. And that her gift of healing people was so needed at Clan McKladdon.

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