Chapter 14.

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It was the eve of her wedding to Cambryn and Bella was really nervous. What if, she displeased him somehow? What if he was not ready to become a father to her new children? She could barely believe that she herself was a mother at that and that the revelation that Cambryn brought to her attention that night in the nursery, startled her something fierce. The door to her bedchamber opened and Lydia and her niece walked in with their arms filled with fabric, that they wanted to sew for her gown. It was the first time that Bella met her soon to be sister in law, Anndra. She was Cambryn's brother Darach's wife and the mother of twelve years old Eion, and ten years old Evander.

"Are you ready for your wedding lass?" Lydia said as she smiled at Bella.

"Are you sure that this is allowed? I mean, when I first came here I was to be the new healer, now I find out that not only am I to be the healer but the lady of the keep too! It just seems to be going so fast. What if, Cambryn is displeased with me over something? What if..."

Lydia gathered her into her arms and hugged her, 

    "there, there my girl, there's no need to feel this way. Of course, it is allowed! You are Elsa's long-lost daughter, and Cambryn's betrothed, its only right that you do marry him. And besides, Cambryn would never feel displeased with you, my dear; why I can already see, that he likes you very much!"

   "Are you sure, Aunt Lydia?" 

Bella asked. Anndra set aside the linen's from her arms and gathered Bella into her arms,     

    "There's no need to fret, my dear. Aunt Lydia is correct. Now enough of this worrying, it's time to get you ready. I am sure that Cambryn is pacing the hall right now." She said laughing lightly.

When the back of her gown was done up, and it was fitted perfectly, both Anndra and Lydia stood back and admired her. When she put on the matching headdress, Bella turned towards the mirror that was placed in the corner of her chamber and stared in it, in disbelief. Was the person who was standing before this very object..., Her? Bella blushed when she saw the smiles of both the women in the mirror's reflection. 

   "Well, come along. The clan is a-waiting." Lydia said as she headed towards the door. But just before she came to it, it was thrust open. and in its doorway was Kollen. He was panting for breath; it was like he ran a great distance.

    "What's the matter, lad?" 

Lydia asked. 

    "What seems to be the problem, Kollen?" 

Anndra asked. Kollen ignored the other two women in the room and stared straight at his mother. 

   "Mama, please follow w me and come quickly to the Great Hall, the laird has instructed me to fetch you." 

Lydia smiled. 

    "That is exactly what we are about to do, lad." Kollen shook his head, "not for the wedding, Aunt Lydia! Something else has happened, and Cambryn has told me to escort you there."

Bella put down her bouquet, and gathering the folds of her gown, she took a hold of her son's hand and made her way to the great hall.

The celebration was just about to start. The food that the cook had set on the dais, was filling the room with delicious smells, and steam was coming from them, indicating that the food was hot and fresh. Father Rabbie was waiting impatiently at the front of the dais and kept looking towards the stairs to see if the bride was on her way towards them.

"Laird! Laird McKladdin, I have an urgent message for you." Balgaire the blacksmith said as he came running into the Great Hall. When Balgaire made it to Cambryn, he bent over at his knees and attempted to gather his breath and the courage he would need, when he informed him about the news that is cousin requested him to ask.

Cambryn's smile faded when he stared at Belgaire and sighed heavily. "What is this message you speak of? Belgaire gulped and taking a deep breath he began retelling him what his cousin repeated to him.

"Laird, you are aware that I have a cousin, who serves Laird McKenzie, do you not?" Cambryn nodded at him, "yes I am aware, what of it?" He asked impatiently. Belgaire took out the missive from inside of his doublet and handed it to Cambryn. "I am not that great with words, so I bid you laird to read this message, my cousin says that it is urgent! Also within the message, it is requested that wherever you must go, you must have Bella Skye accompany you. This must happen before the wedding can take place, Laird."

Cambryn grunted in frustration to hear that his wedding had to be delayed. After he unfolded the note, Cambryn gazed down at it and began to read...

Cambryn McKladdin. I am aware that in the past, that we have not seen eye to eye. However, I was unaware that you have come into contact with a young woman. Now that I have found out the identity of this young lady, it is important, that she must accompany you to the McFallon ruins. Worry not for either of your safety as I have no intention to harm one hair upon my daughters head, or your for that matter. Please come in great haste, as I have urgent news to relay to you.

---- Yours, Laird Tearlach McKenzie.

Cambryn, turned around and addressed the clan and informed them that his wedding was to be put on hold. Then after making his excuses to the Father, Cambryn began making his way to the stairs to fetch Bella and to have her follow him to where Tearlach McKenzie was awaiting them.

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