Chapter 6.

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They were just on the outskirts of his lands when they stopped for the night. You could tell right away that the lass, was growing weary, and that the child that she carried was becoming fussy as it was probably hungry. The boy that stood protectively at her side, said nothing. Obviously, he made a silent vow to not only guard his little sister but to protect Bella, as he would have his mother..., Margaret! He also wondered, if the vow he made to his dying mother, was what was keeping the boy silent. And Cambryn also wondered if he would claim Bella as his new mother? His thoughts were abruptly interrupted when he heard a snap of a branch behind them. He paused, 'it wouldn't be McKenzie would it?' he thought silently, as he stood up, Cambryn removed his sword from his Scabbard at his side, and made his way towards the sound of where he heard the branch snap. Seeing nothing for a few moments Cambryn hesitated for a brief second, then he called out into the darkness...
"Who goes there? Come out where I can see you!"
At first, nothing happened, then suddenly the bushes were parted, and out came one of the sentries that guarded McKladdon keep. Cambryn breathed a sigh of relief and put away his sword.

"Thank goodness you're here my Laird, the clan has been worried. After your brother's returned from the battle with the despicable McKenzie's..., without ye, they have made it clear that we should keep on the watch; to always be aware of our surroundings! I and the men have been searching for ye, for the last two days! Where have you been?" He said.

"Are you alone? Have you brought anyone else with you, on your search this night? Finley?"

The guard nodded silently, then put two fingers to his lips and whistled for the men that accompanied him.

Soon they're both surrounded by his loyal men. When his men stood before their Laird, they all breathed a sigh of relief collectively, then they immediately bent down to their knees, and bowed fealty to him.

Calling over his shoulder, for he knew that the boy was not far behind him, he told Kollan to bring forth Bella and the Bairn.

After making his appearance known to Cambryn, Kollan silently nodded and disappeared into the trees to bring forth his new mother and his baby sister.

Bella was sitting on a fallen log that was before the Roaring fire, as she was feeding Maggie from a crock of milk that she had retrieved from Margaret's Cottage before they left. She just finished feeding the bairn, and she was holding Maggie up to her shoulder to burp her when she saw Kollan, step out through the bushes into her line of sight. She immediately put her hands to her chest and breathed a sigh of relief when Kollen's adorable face came into the light of the fire.

"My goodness child, you gave me a fright when you disappeared and then reappeared before me. Where is Cambryn?"

The boy said nothing. Instead, he stood before the fire and started Gathering their belongings. He then began to put out the fire. Curiosity got the better of her, she wondered why Kollen was putting out the fire when she saw something different on his face.

"What's the matter, lad? Why don't you speak, has something happened?"

Kollen got to his feet, grabbed a hold of Bella's hand, and brought her to her feet.

"Come on mamma! Laird McKladdon is awaiting us to join him!"

Was all he said. When she heard what Kollen had just called her, Bella was shocked for a few minutes. Was this the promise he made to Margret before she passed away?

Trusting in her new son's decisions, Bella retrieved her belongings and Maggie's belongings and grabbed a hold of Kollen's hand and let him lead her into the forest. When they emerged a few seconds later, Bella gasped. For she suddenly felt crowded, and as she looked around her, she realized why. She saw that herself and Kollen as well as Cambryn we're surrounded by many men.

At first, she thought, they were her brother's men and fear crept up inside of her. But upon closer examination, she didn't see her brothers colors upon any of their clothing, neither did she see Angus or Fergus among them. Bella inhaled a giant sigh of relief, her suspicions of the nature of their safety with these men, was confirmed when she saw one man approach Cambryn. He must be captain of his guard, Bella thought to herself. She watched as he bowed to him. Bella soon, realized that this man and the rest of them, that surrounded them must have belonged to Cambryn, and that they were standing upon McKladdon's soil.

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