Before Z

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Riptid3 P.O.V.

Sun shone off my blue skin while I laid in the grass. It was a nice day. Hardly any kids were out because it was a weekday. Perks of Ludus- it's basically empty when the kids are in school.  When I was beginning to slip into slumber, some idgit shouted in my ear.

"Don't sleep yet!"

"Aish, Ari! Don't do that! You know I'm tired."

"Eh, it's fun to prevent you from sleeping."

I smacked her in the arm, but we were both laughing.

"The race is in a few hours. That's why I was trying to rest," I said while glaring at Ari.

"Oh well," she said nonchalantly.

This girl.

That was Art3mis, or Ari as I call her. She's my best friend here in the OASIS. I don't clan, neither does she, so that's why it works out. I met her on Planet Doom. We were both on the same team. That's all I can remember. It was so long ago.

"Hey, look at those two," Ari whispers, breaking me from my reminiscing moment.

I glance where she's pointing and I see two avatars. One looks like something from the game Overwatch. The other looks like a cartoon character of some kind. I couldn't recognize them easily. I'm not very culturally aware. The only thing that I noticed that is what they have in common: the looks on their faces. They're glancing at us, but they appear to be scared as shit: eyes wide open, mouths slightly agape, and eyebrows occasionally twitching.

"Eh, it's the same look everyone gives us."

"I know, Ty," Ari says while rolling her magenta eyes.

Everyone looks at us with fear swirling in their eyes. I mean, we are two of the top players here in The Oasis, so I understand why. We're pretty well known. We're "terrifying" to the other players. We both have a pretty large Arsenal and our bikes are extremely fast. We win almost every race we enter. I'm thankful I haven't died yet, because if I did, I would be beyond the point of pissed off. It took me forever to get where I am now. I've killed several avatars, but it's all worth it.

I never imagined I would be in the OASIS. Mom said it was a waste of time and money, yet I still persisted. Dad helped me access the  OASIS. I finally entered the OASIS on June 13, 2039. I was eleven at the time. (I mean, they weren't my actual parents, but that's what I called them. I live with Ari since I lost my parents when i was five...) Ari was allowed to access the OASIS earlier than me, so I was relieved to finally be a part of it. I created my own avatar instead of using something from my favorite show. I have ocean blue skin, waist length silver hair, and dark blue eyes. I'm about 5' 4", (dang I'm short). I wear basically the same clothes as Ari; it's easier to share a wardrobe. I spent most of my time in the OASIS. I went to school there and spent time in the library during my free time. I mean, come on! It's every nerd's dream place! I didn't know about it until later...

My first time in the OASIS was absolutely terrifying. I was surrounded by way more experienced players and there were multiple people who were double my size. Ari was off doing something else so I was alone. I had no fucking idea what I was doing (excuse my vernacular). I basically wandered around like a lost penguin until I stumbled into a shop where someone actually explained the whole giz to me.  I wish I could remember his name, but it slipped my mind. He told me what school I should go to. He also told me about the library when I came back and told him about my progress. He told me about the planets and what occurs on each of him.

I was on Planet Doom taking on my first battle. It was stressful and I kept stumbling over crap.

Then I tripped over a person. It was a magenta girl. I helped her up and she thanked me. We decided to stick together since we were on the same team. She then told me that she was Ari. I was excited to finally meet my best friend in avatar form. She was really pretty, and she even liked my avatar! (Gosh I sound like an eleven year old explaining that) That's really all I can remember from that day.

After Ari and I met in the OASIS, we started to work together to get our ranks up. We didn't have money to spend on upgrades so we just spent most of our time on Planet Doom gathering credits from zeroed our players.

Then came the year 2040. Halliday died and left three keys behind. You find all three keys, you inherit Gregorious Games. Everyone knows about the keys. Some choose to ignore their existence, and some are obsessed with finding them. Ari and I are somewhat obsessed, but we're not after the money. We want to stop IOI from getting them. Their leader is an absolute asshole-excuse me- nutcase and will stop and nothing to get them. Hell knows what will happen if he gets them, but we don't want to find out. That's why Ari and I are going to the race. Yes, I know no one has beat it, but we have to try.

"Alright Ari, let's head over to the track," I say while dragging her out of the park.

"You don't have to tow me, ya know," she yanks her hand out of mine.

"I know, but it's fun," I reply while turning at her and smiling cheekily.

"No wonder why we get along."

"I know right?"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

There's chapter one! I hope you guys enjoyed. I'm sorry this story swears, but it wouldn't be Ready Player One without it. It is an AU (sorta) story, so don't hate me!

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